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Get a lot of questions like this about how to target e-commerce brands on LinkedIn to sell your agency services.

If that sounds like you... here's how you do it.



Step 1: Sign up for a free 30 day trial Sales Nav account

Step 2: Use this search to start with

Assuming you want to target US brands and smaller size companies - adjust these if not.

The key is to search for companies using SHOPIFY

Step 3: Want to sub-niche further?

Add 'beauty' as a keyword to refine your list accordingly

Rinse and repeat for as many niches as you want

Step 4:

Select the Accounts (companies) you want to target then click 'view current employees'

Step 5:

Add in job titles to filter further as needed


Now scrape this list using your favourite tool and outreach away...
How to cold DM prospects & close them for $2-4k+/month retainers

// THREAD //


There are many ways to do this.


This is the exact step-by-step sequence my students use to close $10,000's in deals.

Want to automate the process?

I go much more in-depth in my LinkedIn Lead Gen Guide šŸ‘‰

Let's get into it...

Message 1: Connection

The 1st of contact.

You wouldn't kick through someone's front door and walk insideā€¦

... so don't hit prospects with a sales pitch right away.

>ask how business is going

>address their problems + how you can solve them

>ask if they want to hear more

Worst case scenario?

They don't want your help OR you're not fit to solve their issues.

Maybe you can refer them to someone who can.

The important part:

You're just trying to see if you can help.

Message 2: Main Message

So they want to hear more?

Show how you've helped others in the past with similar problems.

Ex: "Glad to hear that. We recently helped [x] achieve [y] and I'd love to see if we can do something similar for you. open for a chat this or next week?"