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U should always be leveraging more & more

Here's your process

1) work for free
2) get 5-10 $1-5K/month retainers
3) get rev share + potential equity deals only

Eventually ur agency should be a cash cow

High margins &/or a turn into a holding company if you're getting equity

It's a process. takes time

Work for free

fail, learn, fail, succeed, now start charging low/mid-tier retainers

Learn more, become great at your craft, build great systems & team

then if possible do rev share deals only. Bring in lots of rev. take equity /w startups if u can

You CANNOT SELL an agency doing $1-5K retainers

U just can't

Unless it's for a .5-1x multiple

Why the Retainer model is just training for the big leagues (rev share on big $$ & equity w startups)

Graduate from retainers & get into rev share/equity ASAP

also to get rev share on big $$ and/or equity

Your offer needs to be more than just "lead gen"

No one is gonna give u Equity for "lead gen"...

Manage a startup's sales process from start to finish & train their sales team to have huge success?

Different story

If i started a new agency today my goal would eventually be to turn into holding company

- an offer SO damn good it DESERVES Equity
- my hand in dozens of promising startups

Equity vested via specific KPIs

Bring 20 clients, get 1% equity, 20 more clients, 1% more & so on

You are missing out on revenue every time you send an email.

There are common mistakes I see 99% of businesses making with their email marketing,

& today I want to address them.

Here are 7 common email mistakes you can fix TODAY to make more $$$👇

// THREAD //

#1 Poor segmentation

Segmentation is one of the most important aspects of email marketing,

Especially for eCommerce.

Not segmenting properly can mean lots of unsubscribed, low opens, emails landing in spam, and more.

Here's an intro to segmentation

#2 Poor subject lines

Subject lines get your emails opened.

There's a lot to this that I can't fit here,

But if you're interested, my Campaign Calendar Guide has 100's of great subject line examples 👉

Check this out also

#3 Too wordy

In emails,

You never want to be too wordy or longer than necessary.

Keep your copy as brief as it can possibly be.

Your customers are busy - provide all the info you need to sell the click, and nothing more.

And this also leads to the next common email mistake..

#4 Selling the product, not the click

Don't sell the product in your emails - your product or sales pages do that.

The goal of emails?

To sell the click.

This means inspiring curiosity to get prospects to click-thru.

Stop writing entire sales pages in your emails.




What service will you offer?

- Cold email lead-gen
- Facebook Ads
- Webdesign services

I personally offer lead-gen using cold email and will use this as the example


SET-UP 1/2

- Name your business, ideally around your niche

- Buy two domains through Google & add Workspace
Example: &

- Use Warmupinbox/com to warm domains - $9 per domain

- Use Carrd to create a landing page

SET UP 2/2

- Use Canva & Loom to record a Video sales letter

- Add this to your landing page as well as a link to your Calendly

- Allow domains to warm-up for 2 weeks before starting outreach