Email marketing is a high-income skill.

You can work freelance, in-house, or use it to grow your own business.

Learn email marketing & clients will pay you $2-5k+/month... writing 3-5 emails a week.

Here's how to start your career as an email marketer 👇

(5 Steps)


1 Find a niche

This is the 1st step:

Finding a market to write for.

It's hard to get work as a general 'email marketer'...

...but an eComm email marketer?

Or a health email marketer?

Or - even better - a health email marketer for eComm stores?

Getting work becomes easier.
The more niche you go, the better off you'll be (especially as a beginner).

How do you choose a niche?

Ask yourself:

>What do I have experience in?
>What am I interested in?
>What niches need copywriters badly?
>Which niches can I make the most money in?

Choose wisely!
#2 Learn copywriting

You will need to learn copywriting.

(at least, very basic copy skills)

Here's what you can do:

(this is a very basic outline of how to learn copy)
1) Read copy books
2) Watch YouTube videos about copywriting
3) Listen to copy podcasts
4) Study winning ads
5) Handcopy classic sales letters (Optional)
6) Practice writing your own copy

Immerse yourself in the world of advertising.
#3 Specialize in email

Now that you have basic copy skills, you can start focusing on email.

Do the same thing you did to learn copy...

...but with email:
1) Read email copy books
2) Watch YouTube videos about email marketing
3) Listen to email marketing podcasts
4) Study great emails
5) Handcopy great emails (optional)
6) Practice writing your own emails
7) Take email marketing courses
As far as email marketing courses go:

My course is everything I've learned selling $50M+ for my clients with email marketing 👇
#4 See what's working

Subscribe to email lists in your niche.

The more, the better.

Find big brands who email regularly.

> How are they written?
> How are the campaigns structured?

Do your best to keep up to date with what other businesses in your niche are doing.
#5 Learn outreach

If you want to get paid as a freelancer,

You need to find clients.

Cold email outreach is a great way to do this.

Check out @blackhatwizardd's Cold Email course here👉
Before you can charge brands $2-5k+/month for email marketing... need to be an intermediate or expert.

My Course is the A-Z Blueprint for Ecom email marketing.

It's everything I've learned selling $50M+ for my clients.

Become an email expert ⬇️

More from Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧


You are missing out on revenue every time you send an email.

There are common mistakes I see 99% of businesses making with their email marketing,

& today I want to address them.

Here are 7 common email mistakes you can fix TODAY to make more $$$👇

// THREAD //

#1 Poor segmentation

Segmentation is one of the most important aspects of email marketing,

Especially for eCommerce.

Not segmenting properly can mean lots of unsubscribed, low opens, emails landing in spam, and more.

Here's an intro to segmentation

#2 Poor subject lines

Subject lines get your emails opened.

There's a lot to this that I can't fit here,

But if you're interested, my Campaign Calendar Guide has 100's of great subject line examples 👉

Check this out also

#3 Too wordy

In emails,

You never want to be too wordy or longer than necessary.

Keep your copy as brief as it can possibly be.

Your customers are busy - provide all the info you need to sell the click, and nothing more.

And this also leads to the next common email mistake..

#4 Selling the product, not the click

Don't sell the product in your emails - your product or sales pages do that.

The goal of emails?

To sell the click.

This means inspiring curiosity to get prospects to click-thru.

Stop writing entire sales pages in your emails.

More from All

Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: /

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: /

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