Ratha Saptami, Surya Jayanti - Importance - #Thread

The seventh day of the lunar calendar in the bright half of ‘Magha’ month is called ‘Ratha Saptami’. Worship of Sun on this day grants immense merits equal to the worship of Sun for one complete year.

On this day at the time of brahmi muhurta, all the stars will be in the shape of chariot. Worship of Aditya, the embodiment of all gods, on this day grants brilliance, abundance, health etc. Giving ‘Arghya’ to Sun in copper pot, worshipping with red sandalwood and red flowers..
..should be done and milk pudding cooked using cow dung cakes as fuel should be offered in leaves of green bean tree. Offering of pumpkin is very meritorious, as this time is equivalent to the time when the eclipse of sun is happening.
Goddess presiding the Saptami Tithi is propitiated with the following sloka.

जननि सर्व लोकानां सप्तमी सप्त सप्तिकौ
सप्त व्याहृति के देवि नमस्ते सूर्य मण्डले॥

Those who want to have health, knowledge, wealth & good life should worship Sun irrespective of caste, creed, & gender.
"सूर्यग्रहण तुल्या तु शुक्ला माघस्य सप्तमी".

As this time is equivalent to the time when the eclipse of sun is happening, it is very auspicious for bathing, charity and Japa. Offering of pumpkin is very meritorious on this day.
एकाहारो नरो भूत्वा षष्ठ्यां योఽर्चयते रविं ।
नियमव्रतचारीच भवेद्भक्तिसमन्वितः ॥
सप्तम्यां वा महाभागाः सोఽश्वमेधफलं लभेत्

Those who worship ‘Ravi’ following the Vrata by eating only once on Māgha Śuddha Ṣaṣṭhi or Saptami will get the result of performing Aśvamēdha Yāga.
अहोरात्रोपवासेन पूजयेद्यस्तु भास्करं
सप्तम्यामथवा षष्ठ्यां स याति परमां गतिं !!

Those who worship ‘Bhāskara’ doing fasting on Māgha Śuddha Ṣaṣṭhi/Saptami will attain exalted state.
शुक्लपक्षस्य सप्तम्यामुपवासपरो नरः
सर्वशुक्लोपहारेण पूजयेद्यस्तु भास्करं
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तः सूर्यलोकं स गच्छति॥

Those who fast & perform worship of ‘Bhāskara’ contemplating to be present in white hue on Śukla Saptami day will be relieved from all sins & reach abode of Sūrya.
प्रणिधाय शिरोभूम्यां नमस्कारं करोति यः !
तत्क्षणात् सर्वपापेभ्यो मुच्यते नात्रसन्शयः !!

There is no doubt that all the sins of those who perform prostration to Sūrya touching the floor with head are destroyed at the very moment.

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significance & worship to be performed on a rare combination occurring Jan 12th

In the culture of Bhāratadēśa, ‘Time’ has great significance. Tithis, days of the week, stars – everything has its own distinction. All the beings are bound by time and time is in the control of God.

With compassion, the Supreme God graced that one performing worship in some special stipulated times acquires special merits. This is true in case of every deity. Worship of a particular deity on a particular tithi bestows the grace of that particular deity quickly and certainly.

Among those, Kr̥ṣṇāṁgāraka Caturdaśi is imp. The combination of Tuesday & Caturdaśi in the dark fortnight is a great occasion.

विरिन्चिशक्रविष्णूनां मनुष्याणां तु का कथा ।
तेन त्वं सर्वसत्त्वेन ग्रहराजो महाबलः॥

Not only present as one among the nine planets, Aṅgāraka..

Aṅgāraka (Mars) planet is the king of all the planets. The reason for this is mentioned below that Aṅgāraka is the son of Śiva.

पुरा तपस्यतः शम्भोर्दाक्षायण्या वियोगतः ।
भालस्थलात्पपातैकः स्वेदबिन्दुर्महीतले ॥

ततः कुमारः सम्जज्ञे लोहिताङ्गो महीतलात् ।
स्नेहसम्बन्धिनः सोఽथ धात्र्या धात्रीस्वरूपया ॥
माहेय इत्यतः ख्यातिं परामेष गतः सदा ।

Skānda Purāṇa mentions that a waterdrop fell on the earth from Paramēśwara deeply immersed in tapas from which came a red-complexioned boy.

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