
Published a new essay: The red flags and magic numbers that investors look for in your startup’s metrics – 80 slide deck included!

This was a deck that I created on my (longish) interview process with @a16z. It was a long path, starting with meeting folks at the firm 10 years ago. But the purpose of the deck was to explain how I would use my superpower in an investing context
Here's what I explain in the deck. As investors (whether angel or VC) we're often confronted with an up-and-to-the-right graph. Is it going to go up? Or down?
One solution to forecast these growth curves is the Growth Accounting Framework, where you add up New+Reactivated and subtract churned users. In each time period that gives you the difference in monthly actives.
The problem with this is that it's a lagging metric, not a leading one. We need to go one level deeper and look at the underlying loops that drive these numbers, to understand the quality.
For acquisition loops, I go through a number of different models. SEO+UGC, Viral, and Paid marketing.
In the deck, I break down how to get more granular on each step, and case studies for how to optimize the loop.d
From a metrics standpoint, it's important to analyze the acquisition mix, the quality of the signups, and the platform dependencies. In the deck, I talk through a bunch of the red flags I'm looking for.
I go through the same discussion for the Engagement Loop too. Examples, Upside, Metrics, and Forecasting.
Two kinds of engagement loops- Social Feedback and Content Personalization. There's obviously many others, but these are two that are particularly useful to think about.
I use examples from Pinterest, Twitter, and Uber. Both increasing the activation of users to get them pinning more, how to build a network, and unblocking users who've lost their password.
From a metrics perspective on engagement loops, I'll look at cohort retention curves, frequency analyses, and analyzing notifications too. I don't mention it, but the Power User Curve is important too: https://t.co/kdgO8PIspq
Once you have the Acquisition and Engagement Loops mapped out, and the potential upside, then you can build a forecast for MAUs. This lets you answer the questions you want to answer - where will this curve go?
Hope you enjoy the deck! Again, here's the link:
Thank you @bbalfour @ShaunMClowes @onecaseman @bubba @aatif_awan and the other folks who helped me along the way.

More from Startups

💪 And we're down to the last 48 hours until the biggest live-streamed startup event hosted by @thepatwalls & @shipstreams kicks off!

With this, let's get motivated with some curated readings & posts by fellow #24hrstartup participants & indie makers. Check them out below!

✍️ Andrew Parrish wrote - "Why I'm Participating in the 24 Hour Startup Challenge".

@makersup's takeaway - Makers love possibilities, the joy of building. Any aspiring maker should experience the end of lurking on forums & reading @wip's to-dos.


👩‍💻 @anthilemoon created a list of @women_make_ members participating in the #24hrstartup challenge. Do let her know if she missed anyone!

More at:

😺 We can't forget one of the key platforms in shipping indie, can we, @ProductHunt?

Check out @ProductHunt's guide to launching at: https://t.co/VB6WgGx6sa.

In addition, it would be wise to prepare for the launch. Fine tune your assets and post at

🚢 Well, we definitely can't leave out the man behind all of this, @thepatwalls!

Launching isn't easy, but know what you'll be facing even before coding. Check out @thepatwalls' "words of shipping" at:

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