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Belief is a marriage between two functions of mind - emotion and explanation. It associates a feeling of confidence with an idea about how things are or should

Why should we be wary and cautious about our sense of confidence about what we know?

For the same reason Bertrand Russell's (metaphoric anthropomorphic) chicken should have been wary about the benevolent farmer (see quote at end of thread).

Had it conceived alternative theories about the farmer feeding it, it may have acted differently and had a better life outcome.

Although unlike in Russell's chicken metaphor, belief is not necessarily a consequence of the error of induction. Strictly speaking, it never is (again, refer to quote at end thread).

However, when one believes without an accompanying explicit argument (theory), it prevents any possibility for critically questioning the reasons for the belief.
I've talked about how governments are doubling down as denial that they might have been scammed. Let's talk about how individual persons react.

The constant panic mindset of these people may be chalked up to virtue signalling, but it's also an indication of implicit denial of the idea that their measures have little to no effect

This is the sunk cost effect to being scammed, and so we see the wider acceptance of this virus being more deadly than the alternative of NPI's having minimal effect

Think of it this way, you spent a lot of money on masks, followed every rule to your detriment, and you have nothing to show for it e.g., your neighbor not following measures hasn't died yet

You can cut your losses and be more proportional with your behavior, but tons of factors make justifying measures in the form of exaggerating virus damages a better option
I’m sad.
Yes, I cried.
Prolly cos I’m someone who takes friendship too seriously and always put in my best when it comes to the few people in my cycle.

I’m the type to always ask questions, get closure before I move on.
So, I sent her messages asking what happened and she called

Then she reminded me of what happened in Oct.

I lost my grandma - who also happens to be the mother figure I had - during the lockdown and her burial was scheduled to hold Oct 15th
I kept making plans for burial.
Telling my friend about plans and all that.

Then she told me she is pregnant and feeling really sick so she might not be able to travel down for the burial.
I don’t know how sick pregnancy makes people so I saw reasons with her.
But that period, I was so emotionally down.
I even stayed off all social media and was barely

Replying WhatsApp messages.

My family even asked after her and I told them a lie.

I had other friends around for the burial so I had tons of help.

We still chatted some days before the burial and I was asking what she plans to do about the pregnancy.
Assuring her that

whatever she decides to do that I got her back.

I was totally down before and after the burial.
Really needed to heal cos my Grandma and I were really close.
She was my person.

I didn’t know my friend was mad at me that I wasn’t checking up on her to know how she was fairing.
A Thread.

As a Believer, one of the greatest tests of my life is granting real forgiveness to all those who because of Politics twisted my deep agony and agitation for rescue of ChibokGirls into all forms of wicked accusations I have had to bear since 2014. And yet I must.

In this 2018 tweet, I was recounting how the @BBCAfrica handle broke the news of the abduction of ChibokGirls on the 15th and my immediate reaction was to ask them if the news was “verified”.
I mean, it was hard to imagine hundreds of schoolchildren being abducted. It was hard.

My follow-on tweet after asking @BBCAfrica if their breaking news on the abduction was verified is captured below. It sank in my mind that it was BBC News and that by the quality control standards, it was near impossible to break unverified news. Ah. My eyes rolled down tears.

As I waited handle out in Borno replied my tweet affirming the @BBCAfrica report .

My family remembers up until today how I wailed reading that.

It pierced straight to my heart that hundreds of poor innocent children of my fellow human beings were in the grips of terrorists.

Those who by 2014 followed me here would remember that EVERYDAY from that April 15 afternoon, all I started tweeting about was a shout to the then FG and Military to ACT SWIFTLY and RESCUE the abducted ChibokGirls.

Sadly, the Presidency and FG pretended nothing had happened.