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My hot take is that trying to solve male loneliness is basically worthless because dating apps and social media have all but destroyed in person organic relationships for a large quantity of people

This is gonna sound cringe but only abandoning patriarchal culture will save them

Japan is America's future where a large % of the population is going to be sexless and marriage less. We're already seeing the signs.

The globe is over-saturated with males because of stigma about daughters. Dating apps mean young women have a unprecedented amount of selectiveness to a (tiny) amount of high quality men. Other men will falter, making relationship rates decline and promote general unhappiness.

Sex work is good for a sex-crazed culture like ours but make no mistake it will not solve the depression and loneliness epidemic. Young men aren't sad about not getting sex, tho they say they are, they're actually sad about feeling

We're going to have a to teach a new generation of women that masculinity isn't real and they selective few men they chase is not representative. To abandon their desires for a high earning man for marriage and the belief that somehow they expire at 30 years old.
I've been ruminating (ha, new cow owner here) on this topic of annuals versus perennials today. Why DID humans move to annuals? Let's examine some

Team perennial like Mark Shepard and The Land Institute argue it was basically just a bad choice to move to annuals as tilling degrades soil and the land base civilizations need to thrive.

on the other hand says it seems implausible that so many civilizations would choose to rely on grains just because they're...making a stupid choice? There must be something else at play. He goes deep into plant characteristics and yields.

My go to author on these topics, Morris Berman, argues it's really the distinction between immediate return economies (hunter gatherers) and delayed return economies (which require storage) that explains this shift. "Quantity precipitates a shift in...

But why they made this shift is still unclear. Classic chicken and the egg...
So I finally read through this (a bit hard to read Roman Urdu especially if winds of chaos are running wild in your mind , and tears are forming)... and well, hot tears drop. Some yesrs ago someone took me close to some caged lions in Bahria Town and I refused to even look.

It's been 8 years that I have been in the throes of what can be called psychosis, which started suddenly shortly after a much-awaited trip to #Konya maqaam-e-Rumi. All the pain & fears I'd been holding within that primarily centered on the loss of Nature & innocence, boiled over.

As it hit in a shockwave, I REFUSED to look at such things as caged animals, fallen trees, and horrible cement buildings. Refused to come out of my house and finally had to be transported to mountains where I still live. But seeing "development" encroach here too, I have finally

taken the wound on the heart and given myself the courage to live horribly in a world that is becoming a veritable hell. It's been now a week that I am waking up telling myself: "I will possibly die, and that's OK. Bear witness."

I am under terroristic assault by aggressive madmen and nadwomen of this broken civilization who are practically after my life for having sought peace... but also, for meeting tragedy on my way. (I went to live in mountains, was assaulted there, his friends now give me threats.)
What if... stay with me here... we married standards with effectiveness?

A brief thread... (1/n)

Hair standards for women have been awful. Just ask @gilltheamazon or @evo_kositz or @Accidental_E9 or like any woman in uniform. (/2)

But women’s hair isn’t the only generally arbitrary appearance standards.

A worthwhile natural experiment can be tattoo standards. (/3)

In the short time I’ve been in service, tattoo were:
-not allowed if exposed in Class B
-universally waived to include neck and hand tattoos
-allowed but photographed (all not just gang/racially suspect)
-acceptable for enlistees but not officer candidates (/4)

Did the Army’s effectiveness drop when tattoo standards were relaxed?
Did we become more effective when they were tightened?

The easy answer is no. Arbitrary standards are, wait for it, arbitrary.