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Hi @ASA_UK @EHRC @EHRCChair @KishwerFalkner @RJHilsenrath @trussliz @GEOgovuk

The Diversity details section of your job application has what appears to be a partial list of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. However, it has 'gender' but not sex.


'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.

Sex is the protected characteristic under the Act, but that is not on your list.


You then ask for the 'gender' of the applicant with options:



'Gender' is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and is not defined in the Act.


Sex is the protected characteristic and the only two possible options for sex are 'Female' and 'Male' as defined in the Act and consistent with biology, but you don't ask for that.

'Gender' is not a synonym for sex.

I held back from commenting overnight to chew it over, but I am still saddened by comments during a presentation I attended yesterday by Prof @trishgreenhalgh & @CIHR_IMHA.

The topic was “LongCovid, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & More”.
I quote from memory.
#MECFS #LongCovid

The bulk of Prof @Trishgreenhalgh’s presentation was on the importance of recognising LongCovid patient’s symptoms, and pathways for patients which recognised their condition as real. So far so good.

She was asked about “Post Exertional Malaise”... 2/n

PEM has been reported by many patients, and is the hallmark symptom of ME/CFS, leading many to query whether LongCovid and ME/CFS are similar or have overlapping mechanisms.

@Trishgreenhalgh acknowledged the new @NiceComms advice for LongCovid was planned to complement... 3/n

the ME/CFS guidelines, acknowledging some similarities.

Then it all went wrong.
@TrishGreenhalgh noted the changes to the @NiceComms guidance for ME/CFS, removing support for Graded Exercise Therapy / Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. She noted there is a big debate about this. 4/n

That is correct: The BMJ published Prof Lynne Turner Stokes’ column criticising the change (Prof Turner-Stokes is a key proponent of GET/CBT, and I suspect is known to Prof @TrishGreenhalgh).

However Prof Greenhalgh then went off-piste.

@johnkoetsier @LarryRosenthal @John_Westra True, but I only get 140 characters at a time and I’m trying to cover a lot.

“The media” meaning the primary outlets of information and opinion in America: news, TV shows, movies, magazines. Nearly all follow and promote whatever the dominant cultural values are at the moment.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra It used to be that there was civility in the media. But that came from a more civil society, where traditionally correct behavior was deemed important. That’s been erased by modernism. Today political correctness has replaced civility, and the media parrots that instead.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra The moral distortion becomes evident when you read the words Trump speaks. Consider what he might be referring to without PC bias, and then watch how those media outlets speak about those same words. The presumption of guilt starts, fills and ends nearly every message.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra Charlottesville is a perfect example. “There were good people on both sides” was entirely referring to those for and against removal of statues - NOT about “good white supremacy”
or “good Antifa counter-protesters”. He clarified this exact point at the time. That’s the “truth”.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra But to this day that’s not what the “media” gave to the world to chew on, now is it? Instead there is the deliberate and persistent lie that he meant to defend white supremacy because that narrative sells better to a PC public: half of America now thinks he’s a racist for sure.
Ever since @JesseJenkins and colleagues work on a zero carbon US and this work by @DrChrisClack and colleagues on incorporating DER, I've been having the following set of thoughts about how to reduce the risk of failure in a US clean energy buildout. Bottom line is much more DER.

Typically, when we see zero-carbon electricity coupled to electrification of transport and buildings, implicitly standing behind that is totally unprecedented buildout of the transmission system. The team from Princeton's modeling work has this in spades for example.

But that, more even than the new generation required, runs straight into a thicket/woodchipper of environmental laws and public objections that currently (and for the last 50y) limit new transmission in the US. We built most transmission prior to the advent of environmental law.

So what these studies are really (implicitly) saying is that NEPA, CEQA, ESA, §404 permitting, eminent domain law, etc, - and the public and democratic objections that drive them - will have to change in order to accommodate the necessary transmission buildout.

I live in a D supermajority state that has, for at least the last 20 years, been in the midst of a housing crisis that creates punishing impacts for people's lives in the here-and-now and is arguably mostly caused by the same issues that create the transmission bottlenecks.