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@johnkoetsier @LarryRosenthal @John_Westra True, but I only get 140 characters at a time and I’m trying to cover a lot.

“The media” meaning the primary outlets of information and opinion in America: news, TV shows, movies, magazines. Nearly all follow and promote whatever the dominant cultural values are at the moment.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra It used to be that there was civility in the media. But that came from a more civil society, where traditionally correct behavior was deemed important. That’s been erased by modernism. Today political correctness has replaced civility, and the media parrots that instead.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra The moral distortion becomes evident when you read the words Trump speaks. Consider what he might be referring to without PC bias, and then watch how those media outlets speak about those same words. The presumption of guilt starts, fills and ends nearly every message.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra Charlottesville is a perfect example. “There were good people on both sides” was entirely referring to those for and against removal of statues - NOT about “good white supremacy”
or “good Antifa counter-protesters”. He clarified this exact point at the time. That’s the “truth”.

@LarryRosenthal @John_Westra But to this day that’s not what the “media” gave to the world to chew on, now is it? Instead there is the deliberate and persistent lie that he meant to defend white supremacy because that narrative sells better to a PC public: half of America now thinks he’s a racist for sure.