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Really enjoyed digging into recent innovations in the football analytics industry.

>10 hours of interviews for this w/ a dozen or so of top firms in the game. Really grateful to everyone who gave up time & insights, even those that didnt make final cut 🙇‍♂️

For avoidance of doubt, leading tracking analytics firms are now well beyond voronoi diagrams, using more granular measures to assess control and value of space.

This @JaviOnData & @LukeBornn paper from 2018 referenced in the piece demonstrates one method

Bit of this that I nerded out on the most is "ghosting" — technique used by @counterattack9 & co @stats_insights, among others.

Deep learning models predict how specific players — operating w/in specific setups — will move & execute actions. A paper here:

So many use-cases:
1/ Quickly & automatically spot situations where opponent's defence is abnormally vulnerable. Drill those to death in training.
2/ Swap target player B in for current player A, and simulate. How does target player strengthen/weaken team? In specific situations?
Happy 2⃣0⃣2⃣1⃣ to all.🎇

For any Learning machines out there, here are a list of my fav online investing resources. Feel free to add yours.

Let's dive in.

Investing Services

✔️ @themotleyfool - @TMFStockAdvisor & @TMFRuleBreakers services

✔️ @7investing

✔️ @investing_city

✔️ @MorningstarInc Premium

✔️ @SeekingAlpha Marketplaces (Check your area of interest, Free trials, Quality, track record...)

General Finance/Investing

✔️ @morganhousel

✔️ @dollarsanddata

✔️ @awealthofcs

✔️ @iancassel

✔️ @InvestorAmnesia


Tech focused

✔️ @stratechery

✔️ @bgurley

✔️ @CBinsights

✔️ @benedictevans


Tech Deep dives

✔️ @StackInvesting

✔️ @hhhypergrowth

✔️ @Beth_Kindig

✔️ @SeifelCapital

✔️ @borrowed_ideas
This is a Twitter series on #FoundationsOfML.

❓ Today, I want to start discussing the different types of Machine Learning flavors we can find.

This is a very high-level overview. In later threads, we'll dive deeper into each paradigm... 👇🧵

Last time we talked about how Machine Learning works.

Basically, it's about having some source of experience E for solving a given task T, that allows us to find a program P which is (hopefully) optimal w.r.t. some metric

According to the nature of that experience, we can define different formulations, or flavors, of the learning process.

A useful distinction is whether we have an explicit goal or desired output, which gives rise to the definitions of 1️⃣ Supervised and 2️⃣ Unsupervised Learning 👇

1️⃣ Supervised Learning

In this formulation, the experience E is a collection of input/output pairs, and the task T is defined as a function that produces the right output for any given input.

👉 The underlying assumption is that there is some correlation (or, in general, a computable relation) between the structure of an input and its corresponding output and that it is possible to infer that function or mapping from a sufficiently large number of examples.