🤔 Python decorators

What are they? How do you use them?

🧵 Let's find out 👇

1️⃣ Decorator is a function or a class that wraps another function or class modifying its behavior.

So how does that work?

The first thing to know is that everything in Python is an object - functions too
2️⃣ That means they can be passed to another function as an argument or returned from a function

Functions that take other functions as an argument are called higher-order functions
3️⃣ In Python, you can define a function inside other function - such functions are called inner functions
4️⃣ To create a decorator you just need to apply all of that together

log_enter_leave is a decorator.

my_function is the function.

To alter my_function's behavior we reassign it applying log_enter_leave decorator.
5️⃣ To simplify usage of decorators Python offers us syntactic sugar

A "pie-decorator" syntax using @

6️⃣ The only problem here is that my_function now identify as the wrapper function

To solve that we just need to use wraps from functools
7️⃣ You can decorate classes too.

For example, you can dataclass decorator on your class to automatically generate its __init__ and __repr__ methods
8️⃣ You can also use a class as a decorator

Decorator class needs methods:
- __init__
- __call__ (it makes class callable)
9️⃣ For example, decorators are used for registering view functions to the Flask application
1️⃣0️⃣ Read more:



1️⃣1️⃣ Script with all of the examples:


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With hard work and determination, anyone can learn to code.

Here’s a list of my favorites resources if you’re learning to code in 2021.


1. freeCodeCamp.

I’d suggest picking one of the projects in the curriculum to tackle and then completing the lessons on syntax when you get stuck. This way you know *why* you’re learning what you’re learning, and you're building things

https://t.co/7XC50GlIaa is a hidden gem. Things I love about it:

1) You can see the most upvoted solutions so you can read really good code

2) You can ask questions in the discussion section if you're stuck, and people often answer. Free

3. https://t.co/V9gcXqqLN6 and https://t.co/KbEYGL21iE

On stackoverflow you can find answers to almost every problem you encounter. On GitHub you can read so much great code. You can build so much just from using these two resources and a blank text editor.

4. https://t.co/xX2J00fSrT @eggheadio specifically for frontend dev.

Their tutorials are designed to maximize your time, so you never feel overwhelmed by a 14-hour course. Also, the amount of prep they put into making great courses is unlike any other online course I've seen.
Starting a new project using #Angular? Here is a list of all the stuff i use to launch my projects the fastest i can.


Have you heard about Monorepo? I created one with all my Angular (and Nest) projects using

I can share A LOT of code with it. Ex: Everytime i start a new project, i just need to import an Auth lib, that i created, and all Auth related stuff is set up.

Everyone in the Angular community knows about https://t.co/kDnunQZnxE. It's not the most beautiful component library out there, but it's good and easy to work with.

There's a bunch of state management solutions for Angular, but https://t.co/RJwpn74Qev is by far my favorite.

There's a lot of boilerplate, but you can solve this with the built-in schematics and/or with your own schematics

Are you not using custom schematics yet? Take a look at this:


You can automate all the boilerplate with hundreds of files associates with creating a new feature.

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Module 1

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# Using Google Colab

Intro link is here on YT: https://t.co/MqMSDBaQri

Create a new Notebook at https://t.co/EZt0agsdlV and name it AnythingOfYourChoice.ipynb

You got your notebook ready and now the game is on!
You can add code in these cells and add as many cells as you want

# Importing Libraries

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