Respecting everyone is overrated.

Don't reward snakes, haters, cloutchasers with respect.

Punish them with distance.

Respect is reserved for respectable people.

Not bitchmade clowns.

'But I thought we were supposed to treat everyone with respect. That's what my mommy told me.'


Your mommy lied to you.

Treating everyone with respect does you more harm than good.

Let me use an analogy to explain...

Keep reading 👇
Let's talk about money for example.

What do you spend your money on?

'I spend it on quality items that can benefit me in some way.'

Why don't you spend it on shitty products too?

'Bc that would be a waste of my money!'

Same concept applies to people.

Your times is wayyyy more valuable than money. Not even close.

So why are you spending your time on shitty people?



You can be spending that time & energy on respectable people instead.

Plus! 👇
Never reward bad behavior.

A snake or hater who are rewarded with respect will think their behavior is acceptable.

Fuck that.

Treat them like the bottom feeding shit heads that they are.


With distance.

'Why not attack back?'

Because distance bothers them more.
If you attack a low social value person back, they strangely feel honored.

The fact that they were able to get a reaction out of you is an accomplishment to them.

They are pathetic losers with nothing going on for them.

Getting attention, good or bad, is great for them.
But distance?


0 acknowledgement?

Makes their skin CRAWL.

Funniest thing ever.

Most beautiful part?

You are wasting 0 energy on them.

All energy you can give to a respectable human being.

Remember, reward GOOD behavior with your energy.
And that's it!

Remember, respect is earned.

People who demand respect without doing shit, doesn't deserve shit.

It is a gritty world, and in order to stay ahead you need to use your energy efficiently.

For more tips & tactics for the social dynamics world follow @ArmaniTalks

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Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

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19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


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