This year, my trading income crossed ₹3CR in profits.

It took 300 days, no big drawdowns & operated at a 86% win rate percentage in weekly.

Here are the 6 steps for you to do great in trading:

Hope it's helpful to someone.

[🧵 thread]

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

1/ Learn Price Action

First of all, you need to focus on learning about price action.

If you do so, you'll be able to understand the big player's footprints better which is critical to know as we can side with them to make profit.

Better to be with them than against them.
2/ Journal your trades

Journaling will change your trading forever.

Why? Because you will precisely know where you are going wrong and whether you keep repeating the same mistakes.

You'll also know in which market you perform the best and in which type of markets you don't.
3/ Avoid losing more than 2% on a trade

I have seen many traders including the really good ones as well, where one big loss will spoil a month or two of their trading year.

The loss becomes so big to overcome that more mistakes are made.

So don't go in a big loss itself.
4/ Think only from a buyer vs seller point of view

You should know who is in control, a buyer or a seller not in options but in futures.

Also understand, at which points do these traders usually tend to give up.

Can take trades confidently and aggressively then.
5/ Trade Bank Nifty only

In my opinion, the best traders are trading in Bank Nifty and not in Nifty.

It is more volatile which means bigger moves and if you can catch these, usually means bigger profits as well.

Also, scope for adjustments is higher in BNF.
6/ Backtest your logics

Before trading with money on some logic and simply losing in case it isn't working, try backtesting to generate confidence.

With data, you'll be trading confidently and accurately.

You can create multiple setups to guide you as well in weekly expiry.
7/ Reduce quantities when losing

All traders who go bust keep the quantity the same or increase it when they lose money, this is the worst quality I have observed in bad traders.

You can always go into bigger losses, so reduce the qty when you lose and recover from there.
TLDR version

• Learn Price Action
• Journal your trades
• Avoid losing more than 2% on a trade
• Think only from a buyer vs seller point of view
• Trade Bank Nifty only
• Backtest your logics
• Reduce quantities when losing

Try this for 6 months and let me know!
We are finally on Youtube!!

We have a free Youtube Channel where we cover our analysis of the markets.

If interested feel free to join using this link:
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That's a wrap!

If you enjoyed this thread:

1. Follow us @Adityatodmal & @niki_poojary for more threads on Price action, Option Selling & Trading growth.

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I appreciate it!

More from Aditya Todmal

12 TRADING SETUPS used by professional traders:🧵

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

Here's what you'll learn in this thread:

1. Capture Overnight Theta Decay
2. Trading Opening Range Breakouts
3. Reversal Trading Setups
4. Selling strangles and straddles in Bank Nifty
6. NR4 + IB
7. NR 21-Vwap Strategy

Let's dive in ↓

1/ STBT option Selling (Positional Setup):

The setup uses price action to sell options for overnight theta decay.

Check Bank Nifty at 3:15 everyday.

Sell directional credit spreads with capped

@jigspatel1988 2/ Selling Strangles in Bank Nifty based on Open Interest Data

Don't trade till 9:45 Am.

Identify the highest OI on puts and calls.

Check combined premium and put a stop on individual

@jigspatel1988 3/ Open Drive (Intraday)

This is an opening range breakout setup with a few conditions.

To be used when the market opens above yesterday's day high

or Below yesterday's day's

More from Trading

12 TRADING SETUPS used by professional traders:🧵

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

Here's what you'll learn in this thread:

1. Capture Overnight Theta Decay
2. Trading Opening Range Breakouts
3. Reversal Trading Setups
4. Selling strangles and straddles in Bank Nifty
6. NR4 + IB
7. NR 21-Vwap Strategy

Let's dive in ↓

1/ STBT option Selling (Positional Setup):

The setup uses price action to sell options for overnight theta decay.

Check Bank Nifty at 3:15 everyday.

Sell directional credit spreads with capped

@jigspatel1988 2/ Selling Strangles in Bank Nifty based on Open Interest Data

Don't trade till 9:45 Am.

Identify the highest OI on puts and calls.

Check combined premium and put a stop on individual

@jigspatel1988 3/ Open Drive (Intraday)

This is an opening range breakout setup with a few conditions.

To be used when the market opens above yesterday's day high

or Below yesterday's day's
Many of you have seen the famous Westrum Organizational Typology model, so prominently featured in State of DevOps Research, Accelerate, DevOps Handbook, etc.

This model was created Dr. Ron Westrum, a widely-cited sociologist who studied the impact of culture on safety

Thanks to Dr. @nicolefv, I was able to interview him for an upcoming episode of the Idealcast! 🤯

It was a very heady experience, and while preparing to interview him, I was startled to discover how much work he's done in healthcare, aviation, spaceflight, but also innovation.

I've read 4+ of his papers, so I thought I was familiar with his work. (Here's one paper:

I was startled to learn he has also studied in depth what enables innovation. He wrote a wonderful book "Sidewinder: Creative Missile Development at China Lake"

Dr. Westrum writes about China Lake Research Labs: "its design and structure had one purpose: to foster technical creativity. It did; China Lake operated far outside the normal envelope... Sidewinder & others were "impossible" accomplishments,

I love this book because it describes traits of organizations that routinely create and maintain greatness: US space program (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo), US Naval Reactors, Toyota, Team of Teams, Tesla, the tech giants (Amazon, Google, Netflix, Google)

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प्रथम भाव -
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