Look like that they got a classical case of PCR Cross-Contamination.
They had 2 fabricated samples (SRX9714436 and SRX9714921) on the same PCR run. Alongside with Lung07. They did not perform metagenomic sequencing on the “feces” and they did not get

A positive oral or anal swab from anywhere in their sampling. Feces came from anus and if these were positive the anal swabs must also be positive. Clearly it got there after the NA have been extracted and were from the very low-level degraded RNA which were mutagenized from
The Taq. to see SRX9714921 and SRX9714436.
Human+Mouse in the positive SRA, human in both of them. Seeing human+mouse in identical proportions across 3 different sequencers (PRJNA573298, A22, SEX9714436) are pretty straight indication that the originals
Were already contaminated with Human and mouse from the very beginning, and that this contamination is due to dishonesty in the sample handling process which prescribe a spiking of samples in ACE2-HEK293T/A549, VERO E6 and Human lung xenograft mouse.
The “lineages” they claimed to have found aren’t mutational lineages at all—all the mutations they see on these sequences were unique to that specific sequence, and are the result of RNA degradation and from the Taq polymerase errors accumulated from the nested PCR process
Where the extremely low error-ridden cross-contaminating molecule were amplified with mutagenesis happening on each step—especially between the initial RT-PCR and sequencing PCR process, which cross contamination have happened. Notice that any extra Pro or Cys on the highly
Conserved N protein sequences are lethal to the virus—especially the extra Cys which will become a nucleophile and a Ribonuclease in the budded virion in an extracellular environment, degrading the genome and inactivating the virus immediately. These Cys will also cause the N to
Dimerize and consequently lose it’s ability to bind RNA or mediate virion assembly in the first place. While the Pro will break a conserved secondary structure in the C-terminal domain and prevent the N from folding correctly. These are not found anywhere else and are obviously
Sequencing errors. Especially since these samples came from cross-contamination without a corresponding positive oral or anal swab (they didn’t get a single swab that is positive).
M1, they cite as having “hemorrhage” claimed to be Coronavirus symptoms, are anything BUT coronavirus symptoms. “Open in new tab
X-ray tests revealed a large area of shadow in the left lung of pangolin 2-Lishui, suggestive of pneumonia” but
“we have not found coronaviruses in these pangolins by meta-transcriptomic and PCR methods.”. Notice the PLT- in the Pestivirus-infected pangolin samples. Pestivirus is seen in the SRA of M1, SRX7756769 (107267359 spots as in the Xiao et al article). The Pestivirus is seen
In all PRJNA573298 sample lungs, and it causes interstitial pneumonia and gives the same kind of CT scan and blood test result as in the 06/22 article. This sample also contained a locally circulating CCoV (Canine Coronavirus, often infects zoo/rescued solitary animals due to
It’s ubiquitous nature in most human-associated environments) strain with reads that weren’t rolling circles as the GD-1 reads and are mostly related to the Canine Coronavirus isolates circulating in dogs in GZ.
Coronavirus infections can not generate rolling circles as they does not encode RNA ligases, an enzyme that is necessary to create a true CircRNA. (What they claim to be CircRNA reads from CoV infections in other papers aren’t true CircRNA but are Partially duplicated RNA due to
The Coronavirus RdRp template-switching to a location before it’s current location. This RNA is still linear. However, the Rolling Circles corresponds to two hotspots of M13 primers seen in the amplicons for nsp3 and for the 3’-end of the genome. This imply that they were
Remnants of cDNA cloning, stemming from DNA that were circularized without a vector backbone.)
Canine Coronavirus and FIPV (alphacoronavirus 1) infections also generate very similar symptoms, and will result in positive cross-reactive NP in the immunofluorescence screening. Even the right GEO profile provide they remove it from the final SRA. Finally, the ACE2 expression
“Lowest in the lungs” claimed in this paper is at odd with the 06/22 paper claim that “ACE2 and TMPRSS2 is most highly expressed in the lungs”. This suggest that the GEO profile of the 06/22 article associated with A22/SRX8582289 have been fabricated or were derived from hACE2
Mouse. The hemorrhage seen in M1 is consistent with DYPV(Flavivirus/pestivirus related to BVDV) which is seen in the metagenome, while the pneumonia could be either be the result of DYPV-related Pestivirus, from the Sendai (murine respirovirus), from the Canine Coronavirus or
From any of the non-Coronavirus (Colitivirus or Murine Respirovirus) agents found in PRJNA573298.
M1 have Murine Respirovirus.
SeV is in the same family as human Parainfluenza virus. It causes bilateral ground-glass opacity.
The blood tests—pestivirus once again fully explains all the blood changed observed. When a Parainfluenza virus is also present, the blood test become indistinguishable.
Another snRNA-seq say ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are barely exiressed in the lungs and are never coexpressed.
Weaker than the kidneys—this is again at odds with the SCAU claim that even negative pangolins have lung>>kidney for ACE2. Both publication say that Kidney is the highest ACE2 expressing organ in all pangolins where lung expression is negligible. The 06/22 article is the only
One that claim that all pangolins including negative samples, have lung ACE2 >> Kidney. This indicate that they have Spiked all of them with K12-hACE2 mouse as it is in disagreement of all previous or later pangolin transcriptomes.
“(Individual number: L08) as a positive control”—and guess what L08 actually is—Human AND Mice!
L08: Lung08.

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@AngloScot2 @WisdomRebel
PRRA is highly purified in the CaLu-3 cell line when FBS is added to inhibit trypsin. Stu lied about that in his defense on the FCS identity. the Gallaher article contain glaring

@WisdomRebel Mistakes and is completely impossible as HKU9 + RaTG13 only lead to a frameshift inactivated S and not a furin cleaved S.
The serological test the WIV claimed to be negative in Shi’s addendum is the exact same test they claimed positive in 2012 in the phD

@WisdomRebel thesis, and Stu once again lied about it. significant evidence in the form of contaminated SRA datasets suggest that the DEFUSE grant have been funded in China, as the full-length HKU4 is not a part of the 2016-2019 grant, but is found before the start

@WisdomRebel Date of the 2020-2024 grant of June 2020. The WIV also contained several HKU3-like Coronaviruses, particularly in mice in an 2017 GEO experiment, which is consistent with the published HKU3 and batified mice experiment in the DEFUSE document (evidence from an already conducted

@WisdomRebel Experiment). Either DEFUSE or fast-tracked form of the 2020-2024 grant in 2019 would have lead to full-length Sarbecovirus clones being used, leading to SARS-CoV-2 in the lab—they used HKU4 in stead of HKU5 for the MERS spike experiment indicating that backbone sequence distance
Bias, however, is an important problem in the WHO data. Also, an important problem seen in the points being scattered around is that they seems to be pulled toward the Huanan market—it was likely that it was used as the point of origin for the coordinate

System used. At this level of imprecision, it becomes impossible ti distinguish the Huanan market, the Wuhan CDC, and the Hankou railway station—the last of which is the main transport hub in Wuhan and the only transport hub reachable from the WIV within

1 transfer on the metro system. Cases “unlinked” were mainly clustered north of the Hankou station—which was one of the major exits through the hankou station and one of the transfer stations next to the Hankou railway station. Even connor reed, which is on the east of the

Yangtze river, supposedly have onset in November 2019 (whistleblower case #2), was connected to the WIV directly—it was on the same metro line, line 8, as the WIV. As he is an education worker, he need to commute to Wuchang where the universities are—exposing him to the WIV

Every time he takes line 8 to commute.
In addition to enforced ascertainment bias toward the market with a retrospective case search that specifically targeted the immediate surrounding of Huanan market, symptomology bias with lineage B created an

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