Tamboola - Brings Turning Point in Life

People who offer Tamboola daily to Devis swarupas are blessed with apaara ashta aishwaryas and beyond.

Maa Lalitha Tripurasundari is seen doing Nitya Taamboola Charvana.

"Tamboola Poorita Mukhi, Daadimi Kusuma Prabha"

This nama from Lalitha sahasra describe Maa lalitha parmeshwari as one who has her mouth with Tamboola rasa and looks like one who shines in the hue of pomegranate flowers.
It is said suvasini sthree and kanyas should do Tamboola charvana daily to gain aishwaryas, hve a great health, be always energetic and happy. Men also do it to get a clarity in thoughts and also peaceful mind and bliss.
People who think we are lacking that spark in life should try this and see the benefits themselves. All you need are

Nagavalli Paan
Supari Full
Madhu (Honey)
Gulaab Petals / Gulkand

People can add all fragrant things additionally
If you dont have all of it, do it with what best is available at home. Maa wants the samarpan and prem. In a family count the number of people and offer that many of the paan to the goddess.
Children get apara budhi and Tejas in their life, and they will be free from all kinds of diseases too. It is said that in which house Taamboola charvana is done, Lakshmi is in sthiranivaasa there.
Remember , no tobacco, Choona etc should be offered in this paan. Don't buy readymade. Make it with your hands and offer. Some believe after we offer, maa takes care of our problems too.
Similar process is done to Hanuman Ji, Beeda Paan and that too has a great importance in life. Nagavalli is magical leaf which hold a lot of high status among the symbols in Puja and Niyamas.
Shree Mooka Kavi, who was dumb by birth got the grace of Maa Kamakshi Tripurasundari. Maa kamakshi fed mooka kavi when he was a young boy a bit of the Paan from her mouth during sakshatkara. Mooka Kavi became a great gnyaani and he sang 500 verses of Mooka Pancha Shati after this
Those who want to improve relations at home, bring a spark in their life, have children live blissfully, and gain knowledge from the Goddess herself can offer Taamboola and take it as prasad daily.

🍀Shubhamastu 🙏🏼

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Identifying Purpose of Our Birth - Atmakaraka

A human should be questioning self "Who am I and Why am I here" The answer to this is not an easily achievable one. It needs great efforts in place to identify the purpose of our birth.

Elders say life is a boon actually when we identify the purpose of it. To identify it all we need is a Guru. Now guru doesn't mean he / She should be initially only a yogi on path. During this journey we have various people we meet and various types of Gurus in various forms.

The journey itself is a Guru., it teaches us alot. The answer to identifying purpose of our life is starting a sadhna / Tapasya in life to clear all the blockages and build a guided path moving towards it. All we need to do is start it.

To start this path you dont need a Guru initially. Once you start Guru comes to u as per Yuga dharma when you are ready to accept the knowledge and energies from him.

One should Identify their chara Atmakaraka( The moving Significator of the Soul ) in the birth chart. Atma means the soul and karaka means the significator if the Soul's desire in the current birth. Every soul is born with unfinished desires to be achieved.
Tripundra Dhaaran - Paapa Vimukti

Our generations are fascinated about Tripundram being just a religious symbol. There are in depth meanings of such a Tilak on a Seeker's Forehead

The very first mistake is the way it is applied.

Tripund isn't applied with dry Bhasm, it should be made wet and then applied in a prescribed manner with proper use of fingers and direction of application. Bhasm is collected from various sources

The most important ones mentioned in upanishats are 1. Yagnya Kund Bhasm 2. Bhasm made from Cow's Dung alone. A special agnihotram was perform to save the Bhasma after that for Dhaarana. A major mantra while applying bhasm is Mrutyunjaya Mantra

Dwijas have a very long process of applying the Tripundram along with their Sandhyavandanam. For commoners there are some basic rules people have to follow while applying Bhasm

Bhasm Applied in Morning - Should be mixed with water and applied
Bhasm Applied during Afternoon - Should be mixed with Chandan and Applied
Bhasm Applied during and after Pradosh - Should be applied Dry as such
"Mantras without Initiation"

Mantras are science. Different types of mantras exist based on different Rishi's and Yogi's works.Mantras had enormous efforts in place.Rishis performed intense Tapasyas through which they realized the existence of them.

Sanaskritam is a very tricky language. It has beautiful placement of words and one needs good wisdom to understand the origin of it's placement and Tatparya. Mantras are segregated into various categories based on it's usage in Aachara. There are several acharas like Vedic, Vama

Kaula, Vaishnava, Madhwa etc. Different mantras require different level of repetitions to attain Sidhis or say the ability to use the mantra for said cause / mostly Loka Kalyana for large cases. There are many controversies regarding chanting a mantra with or without Guru.

It is purely a human specific in Kali Yug to decide, BUT as per shastras a Guru is required for initiating a person into intense mantras. This is for the good of the seeker and guru gets nothing except the satisfaction of transferring his Tapoh shakti into the shishya.

Vedically Mantra has to be used in a prescribed way and it has 3 to five major components of usage

Components of a Mantra
1. Rishi - Who Worked
2. Chandas - How it is spelled
3. Devata - Whom do we pray
4. Beeja - What is the source syllable
5. Shakti Tattva - Which is the type
"Busy Life Daily Puja & Neivedyas"

People would always have several doubts on what to offer bhagwan in their daily puja. For some it will be a million dollar question of how to do an express puja yet a satisfying one.

Upachara - "उपचार"

Refers to the offerings and services made to Bhagwan as part of worship. In shastras there are a count of upachara pujas we do.

पांच उपचार पूजा - 5 Upacharas
षोडशोपचार पूजा - 16 "
चतुःषष्ट्युपचार पूजा - 64 "

Out of these panch is used for daily puja.

Some use 16 upachras who are well versed with the way of doing it Effortlessly and have abhishekam at home daily. 64 is exclusively for festivals and special vrat. One can choose to do 5 upacharas daily and finish your puja peacefully.

How to start your Puja ?

1. Shudhikaran & Aachaman
2. Bhootashudhi & Pranayam
3. Sankalp
4. Choice of Upachara Puja
5. Aarti
6. Pradakshina
7. Mantra Pushpam
8. Bhoomi Sashtanga/Panchanga Namaskaram

Major pujas steps one should ideally follow

Shudhikaran & Aachaman

After bath and dressing with (washed clothes only) should arrange their requirements for puja.
Take water separately for Aachaman and Puja. Water shouldn't be used from same paatra ideally. Perform Aachaman as per your practice & for beginners - YouTube

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