2) Porus ruled the Punjab region and expanded his kingdom between the Jhelum River and Chenab River in the Indian Subcontinent. He was a legendary warrior and more war skills. He made the army most powerful with war skills. Even Alexander had also made difficulty to defeat Porus.
3)Word of Mouth Oral tradition in #Mohyal_Brahmin families since ancient times has kept the Great Saga of their Great Elder known to them as Maharaja “ #Puru” alive.
4) When #Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 BC he was challenged near Taxila by a mere chieftain of the Area. He was King #Porus, a #Vaid_Mohyal. After his encounter with Porus, Alexander met with more resistance near Multan where the forces were predominantly #Mohyal.
5)The Bali rulers of Multan fiercely engaged with Alexander's army in skirmishes in which many senior Generals died. Later during the long and bitter fighting in #Multan, Alexander got hurt by an arrow which pierced his chest ,
6)which made him call off his dream of conquering India and thus ordered a retreat. Because of the wound thus suffered in Multan he few months later died in Babylon.
As was common in the ancient period, the Greeks sometimes described foreign gods in terms of their own divinities
7)which they worshiped as Gods and Godesses, and there is a little doubt that the Sourasenoi refers to the Shurasenas, the Valiant Saraswat Mohyal Warriors , Herakles, Hēraklēs is a greek word,According to the greek historians Arrian, Diodorus, Strabo, and Megasthenes about the
8)account of King Porus and his army, they described them as belonging to an Indian,tribe called Sourasenoi, who especially worshipped Herakles [Hercules]in their land, and this land had two great cities, named Methora and Kleisobora, and a navigable river, named the Jobares.
9)from Hēra,and kleos, "glory [The Mohyal warriors carried the picture of their Great Warrior Elder “#PARSHURAMA” on their Flags as their war emblem, which resembled the great greek god Herakles also known as the mighty Herclues of greeks, which Alexander depicted on his coins]
10)and at that time of History many Mohyals lived in the land of Mehtora [Mathura], where Krishna was born; Kleisobora refers to Krishnapura, meaning "the city of Krishna"; and the Jobares to the Yamuna, the famous river in the Krishna story.
11)Porus fought Alexander the Great in the Battle of the Hydaspes River in 326 BC. Alexander's tactics to cross the monsoon-swollen river despite close Indian surveillance to catch Porus' army in the flank has been referred as one of his "masterpieces". Although victorious,
12)There is another great Mohyal history intermixed with episode of “Alexander the great and Maharaja “Porus vaid , which involves the great mohyal “Dutt” clan, as part of the treaty Maharaj Porus sent one of his trusted family member and a great army general
13) who was belonged to the great “Dutt” Mohyal clan, There is another great Mohyal history intermixed with episode of “Alexander the great and Maharaja “Porus vaid , which involves the great mohyal “Dutt” clan, as part of the treaty Maharaj Porus sent one of his trusted family
14) who accompanied Alexander the Great with some soldiers on his return journey toward Macedonia, as an goodwill ambassador of Maharaja Porus. According to some greek historical records,Alexander the great is said to have taken two hindu brahmins with him,
15)one name named Dutt and other Kalanos [Kalyan]. However, on the way, when Alexander fell seriously ill due to wound suffered at Multan and died at Babylon; The great Datt along with his followers then helped the general “Selucus”
16)in the in fight between the generals, which took place between them to rule the territories of Alexander the great.Selukus made “Bacteria” in Afganistan as his new capital, who looking at the bravery of Great General Dutt against his enemies
17) -made him the in charge of the western most territories of his Selukid empire which is now in modern day Arabia, and after the death of Maharaja Porus back home, the decedents of this great general “Dutt” fully settled themselves at the port city of Harya Bunder
18)With the passage of time, their descents grew into a large Mohyal group as a flourishing community of Dutts in Arabia and in a short time they became respected rulers of small territories
19)under the later “Parthian kings’, who were also like them the fire worshipers, which the ancient Mohyals considered as the Vedic Agni Devta.
20)The noted historian “Sishir Kumar Mitra” has written about the presence of many Hindus mostly warrior “Brahmins”in Arabia, before the rise of Islam,in page 183 of his book called 'The Vision of India'
21)Which states the “These people observed Hindu religious customs, including the worship of Shiva and Makresha from which the name of Mecca is said to have been derived.
22)The famous astrologer Yavanacharya was born of one such Mohyal Brahmin family. It was from these Mohyal Brahmins that the Arabs learnt the science of Mathematics, Astrology, Algebra and decimal notation which were first developed in India.
Sources -
@GeneralBakshi 's book (my inspiration too)
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