1/x Fort Detrick History
Mr. Patrick, one of the chief scientists at the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., held five classified US patents for the process of weaponizing anthrax.

Under Mr. Patrick’s direction, scientists at Fort Detrick developed a tularemia agent that, if disseminated by airplane, could cause casualties & sickness over 1000s mi². In a 10,000 mi² range, it had 90% casualty rate & 50% fatality rate
3/x His team explored Q fever, plague, & Venezuelan equine encephalitis, testing more than 20 anthrax strains to discern most lethal variety. Fort Detrick scientists used aerosol spray systems inside fountain pens, walking sticks, light bulbs, & even in 1953 Mercury exhaust pipes
4/x After retiring in 1986, Mr. Patrick remained one of the world’s foremost specialists on biological warfare & was a consultant to the CIA, FBI, & US military. He debriefed Soviet defector Ken Alibek, the deputy chief of the Soviet biowarfare program
5/x Back in Time
In 1949 the Army created a small team of chemists at "Camp Detrick" called Special Operations Division. Its assignment was to find military uses for toxic bacteria. The coercive use of toxins was a new field, which fascinated Allen Dulles, later head of the CIA
6/x More on Dulles here:
7/x Gottlieb
In 1951, Dulles hired a chemist to oversee a systematic search for key to mind control: Sidney Gottlieb, a 33-year-old Jew who limped & stuttered, meditated, lived in a remote cabin without running water & rose before dawn to milk his goats.
8/x Gottlieb wanted to use Detrick’s assets to propel his mind control project to new heights. The CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, & facilities of the Army to develop biological weapons suited for CIA use. Gottlieb created a hidden CIA enclave inside Camp Detrick.
9/x Gottlieb searched relentlessly for a way to destroy human minds so new ones could be implanted in their place. He tested an astonishing variety of drug combinations (LSD was one of them) often combined with electroshock & sensory deprivation (MKULTRA)
10/x In the US, his victims were unwitting subjects at jails & hospitals. In Europe and East Asia, Gottlieb’s victims were prisoners in secret detention centers. These were the most gruesome experiments the U.S. government ever conducted on human beings.
11/ x Fort Detrick Experiments
7 prisoners in Lexington were given multiple doses of LSD for 77 days straight!
Captured North Koreans were given depressant drugs, then potent stimulants & exposed to intense heat & electroshock while they were in the weakened state of transition
12/ x These experiments destroyed many minds & caused an unknown number of deaths. Many of the potions, pills & aerosols administered to victims were created at Fort Detrick.
One of the most well-known victims of Gottlieb's experiments was Frank Olson:
13/ x A decade of intense experiments taught Gottlieb ways to destroy a human mind. Fort Detrick, as it was renamed in 1956, remained Gottlieb’s chemical base. After the end of MK-ULTRA, he used it to develop and store the CIA’s arsenal of poisons.
14/ x Freezer
In his freezers he kept biological agents that could cause diseases including smallpox, tuberculosis & anthrax as well as organic toxins, including snake venom & paralytic shellfish poison. He developed poisons intended to kill Fidel Castro & Congo's Patrice Lumumba
15/ x Fort Detrick Reborn! Hallelujah!
The US officially abandoned its biological weapons programme in 1969, but Fort Detrick has continued "defensive research" into deadly pathogens including Ebola virus, the plague & poisons like Ricin.
16/ x Anthrax at Fort Detrick
Bruce Ivins, was a senior biological weapons researcher at Fort Detrick. He killed himself in 2008, shortly before the FBI was planning to charge him with the 2001 anthrax attacks.
17/ x
It is ironic that the culprit was a top government anthrax expert: Since 2001, US built many labs, spent over $62 billion, & hired an army of researchers to prevent a 2nd bioterror attack. In effect, devoting 20 years to training & equipping hundreds of people like Ivins!
18/ x Some Refs:
Long Read on Ivins & Anthrax here: https://t.co/jkh3QvdLVZ
Medical Aspects of Biowarfare: https://t.co/ckugrvRFwv
Fort Detrick
Ken Alibek

More from Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓

1. Some useful, albeit not fully developed, critiques of:

“The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review"


have just been published here:
by members of DRASTIC & others
@angoffinet @BahulikarRahul @MonaRahalkar @gdemaneuf

2. A refreshing contrast to the so-called "expert reactions" found here, including from one of the authors of the review (Prof David Robertson)!

"expert reaction to a preprint reviewing the evidence on the origins of SARS-CoV-2"


3. Peter Gutierrez points out in his response that 4 of the authors of “The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review”, also wrote “Proximal Origin of SARS-COV-2”.

His critique focuses on:

1. RaTG13

2. Enhanced adaptation to the human host


4. As to be expected, Sydney University and its iconic virologist, Eddie Holmes, who is "not available for interview", are crowing over this biased review

This review contains elementary errors as exposed here:
1. https://t.co/YJ50huifly
one of the authors (Stuart Neil) then claimed
"Didn’t N501Y come up in ACE2 TG mice too?
1. Omicron Thread - A Compilation of Opinions

"finally, the time has slip and slid its slimy course through to us - and we're the vicious bastards of the new generation. we do not relent, and we should not be held to account for our ancestral faults"


2. The Letter Chosen by the WHO

"It's amazing that the Xi variant seems to have somehow managed to evade detection..."

via @readomain

Why 'Omicron', Not 'Nu' or 'Xi'?

WHO Says Two Letters in Greek Alphabet Jumped to 'Avoid Stigma'


3. The Omicron variant has been found in nearly every province of South Africa, as well as Botswana, Belgium, Israel, UK and Hong Kong.

This month, Israel held an exercise, The “Omega Exercise”, meant to prepare for a hypothetical, new COVID-19

4. Omicron Infographic

(appeared in Germany and Italy now)


5. Overview of Omicron (B.1.1.529) from @nicd_sa

Emergent Bio-Kramer-BARDA-HHS-Kadlec-Fauci
U.S. Bet Big on Covid Vaccine Manufacturer Even as Problems Mounted https://t.co/o2lbFoXF5U
“Viral cross-contamination confirmed in the control cells for JANSSEN GMP Lot #8.”

an examination by The @nytimes of manufacturing practices at the Baltimore facility found serious problems, including a corporate culture that often ignored or deflected missteps and a government sponsor, BARDA, that acted more as a partner than a policeman."



1/10 What's all this then?
Biotech or biohazard?
A proposed federal lab in Butner would study the world's deadliest diseases
is it being built there or elsewhere, at Kansas University?

2/10 Shades of Plum Island?
New Proposal:
GAO reports on security and safety lapses at Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center
Plum Island 1: https://t.co/pXSHgg1KKN
Plum Island 2:

3/10 National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility
By memo dated December 4, 2008, the Department of Homeland Security named the Kansas site as the preferred location for the NBAF. On January 16, 2009, the record of decision was published in the Federal

4/10 Lucky ole Kansas!
The $1.25 billion facility is a biosafety level-4 laboratory and will replace the aging Plum Island Animal Disease Center.
NBAF is expected to be operational by 2022-2023.
Manhattan, Kansas, was selected as the location for NBAF.

5/10 The facility continues forward - Apr 19, 2020
The 500,000 square foot building will have a $3.5 billion impact on the Kansas economy and many lab

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