**Know your local vegetable : Ridge gourd**

This is must vegetables for people with

- pre diabetes and diabetes
- cholesterol
- strained liver and gland functions
- Improves eye vision

It's a good detox for your body and aids metabolism

-Many diabetic find Karela difficult to consume due to its bitter taste this is a equivalent beneficial

- This can be used even with skin as raw ingredient for your chutney with varied dals

- Can be used in Sabji as well
- It's a excellent vegetable to nourish your skin and enhance your skin tone

- It's given to people of all age from young children, old aged persons and even to expectant mothers
Per Ayurveda it's a must supplement for

– cleansing large intestine
– cleansing stomach and small intestines
– cough, cold
– chronic poisoning
- enlargement of the abdomen
– anemia
– inflammation
– Disease of the spleen
– Tumors of the abdomen
– haemorrhoids
– skin diseases
– Jaundice, Liver diseases
-Skin peels of this vegetable with coconut fibre is ancient scrub bath

-For children and middle aged people this is a must

-As it helps to improve cognitive behaviour and reliving fatigueness
-Ridge gourds are rich in a vast array of essential components like dietary fibers, water content, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium and vitamin B6.
- They are naturally abundant in potent antioxidants and alkaloid compounds, which regulate metabolism and eliminate toxins from the body

- People who are looking for weight loss should include this as must
Given the fast food culture we are more prone to eating unhealthy fats and ultra processed chemically preserved vegetables, flavour enhancers

Consuming this vegetable atleast once a week will help you offset the metabolic load caused due to junk food
First benefits you may witness after consuming this vegetable is the following day excretion will be smooth

-Natural Therapy for eliminating chronic Constipation due to its rich dietary fibre content
End of thread

Happy eating and healthy living

These simply choices in our food plate does enables a great wonders to your health and fitness

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