On October 16 2020, a secondary school teacher named Samuel Paty was beheaded with a meat cleaver in the street of a small town 20 miles down the Seine from Paris. 1/x

Paty's murderer, a young Chechen refugee, had never met the teacher. The killer was incited to the crime by a multi-day campaign of defamation and disinformation on French social media. 2/x
For 5 years, Paty had taught his classes a unit on free speech and its limits in a democratic society. As part of the discussion, he showed his students some of the famous Charlie Hebdo cartoons - after inviting those who might be offended to leave and then rejoin the class. 3/x
One parent of one student - not the student herself - then set in motion a campaign of denunciation against Paty. And the result was a crime that shocked France and pulled tens of thousands to vigils and protests. 4/x
France has suffered terrible crimes in the name of religion before the Paty killing. We're only 5 years from the horrifying nightclub attacks that killed 130 in November 2015. But past attacks caught France by surprise. This murder announced itself in advance. 5/x
President Macron has announced a program of actions to combat radicalization and extremism in France. Who knows whether these measures will work. https://t.co/trC00ozNvQ But from across the Atlantic, this thought ... 6/x
Like the Paty killing, the January 6 attacks on the US Capitol were advertised in advance, publicized by media, and even prefigured by previous attacks on state capitols. The assailants were pro-Trump radicals, acting in the name of loyalty to the president. 7/x
For 20 years, US conservatives have focused on extremism and violence as something that supposedly attacks the US only from the outside. It's time to awake to the truth - and to the responsibilities that come from that truth. 8/x
The most important institutions in French Islam have worked with Macron to define a French Islam. France is a different society with different traditions - of course. But the US needs at least the same *spirit* from right-wing organizations in this country. 9/x
We need the conservative community in this country to step up in the way that French Muslims are stepping up - to disavow not only violence, but the extremism and conspiracism that enable violence. To self-police, not in fear, but in loyalty and public spirit. 10/x
This second impeachment trial of Donald Trump offers a chance for conservatives to repudiate the drumbeat of incitement. Quit pretending the violence came from nowhere, that conservatives are victims, that concerns about right-wing extremism are "censorship." Take responsibility.
Almost everybody - French Muslims, American conservatives - condemns violence. But in the social media age, we can all witness in real time the emergence of the extremism and conspiracism that enable violence. A free state cannot do much about *those* evils. Communities can. 12/x
The first step is to admit a problem, as Senator Sasse did in @TheAtlantic a few days ago. https://t.co/ZnQXsr6CJ2
@TheAtlantic But that's only a first step. There's more to do. I'll be thinking and writing about that "more" in the days ahead. END

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The outrage is not that she fit better. The outrage is that she stated very firmly on national television with no caveat, that there are no conditions not improved by exercise. Many people with viral sequelae have been saying for years that exercise has made them more disabled 1/

And the new draft NICE guidelines for ME/CFS which often has a viral onset specifically say that ME/CFS patients shouldn't do graded exercise. Clare is fully aware of this but still made a sweeping and very firm statement that all conditions are improved by exercise. This 2/

was an active dismissal of the lived experience of hundreds of thousands of patients with viral sequelae. Yes, exercise does help so many conditions. Yes, a very small number of people with an ME/CFS diagnosis are helped by exercise. But the vast majority of people with ME, a 3/

a quintessential post-viral condition, are made worse by exercise. Many have been left wheelchair dependent of bedbound by graded exercise therapy when they could walk before. To dismiss the lived experience of these patients with such a sweeping statement is unethical and 4/

unsafe. Clare has every right to her lived experience. But she can't, and you can't justifiably speak out on favour of listening to lived experience but cherry pick the lived experiences you are going to listen to. Why are the lived experiences of most people with ME dismissed?
OK I am going to be tackling this as surveillance/open source intel gathering exercise, because that is my background. I blew away 3 years of my life doing site acquisition/reconnaissance for a certain industry that shall remain unnamed and believe there is significant carryover.

This is NOT going to be zillow "here is how to google school districts and find walmart" we are not concerned with this malarkey, we are homeschooling and planting victory gardens and having gigantic happy families.

With that said, for my frog and frog-adjacent bros and sisters:


Zillow is obvious one, but there are many good sites like Billy Land, Classic Country Land, Landwatch, etc. and many of these specialize in owner financing (more on that later.) Do NOT treat these as authoritative sources - trust plat maps and parcel viewers.


Okay, everyone knows how to google "raw land in x state" but there are other resources out there, including state Departments of Natural Resources, foreclosure auctions, etc. Finding the land you like is the easy part. Let's do a case study.

I'm going to target using an "off-grid but not" algorithm. This is a good piece in my book - middle of nowhere but still trekkable to civilization.

Note: visible power, power/fiber pedestal, utility corridor, nearby commercial enterprise(s), and utility pole shadows visible.
Department List of UCAS-China PROFESSORs for ANSO, CSC and UCAS (fully or partial) Scholarship Acceptance
1) UCAS School of physical sciences Professor
2) UCAS School of mathematical sciences Professor

3) UCAS School of nuclear sciences and technology
4) UCAS School of astronomy and space sciences
5) UCAS School of engineering

6) Geotechnical Engineering Teaching and Research Office
7) Multi-scale Mechanics Teaching and Research Section
😎 Microgravity Science Teaching and Research

9) High temperature gas dynamics teaching and research section
10) Department of Biomechanics and Medical Engineering
11) Ocean Engineering Teaching and Research

12) Department of Dynamics and Advanced Manufacturing
13) Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering Teaching and Research Office
14) Power Machinery and Engineering Teaching and Research

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