In big, slow corporations, innovation is a RISK and distraction from the core $$$ profitable business.
Agile startups could launch, iterate fast and eventually stumble upon new growing market opportunities.
#24hrsstartup was an amazing event
— Akshay Kadam(A2K) \U0001f47b (@deadcoder0904) November 19, 2018
I never went to a hackathon but this just felt like one even though I was just watching \U0001f440
Everyone did great but there were a few startups that I personally loved \U0001f496
Some of my favorites are in the thread below\U0001f447
\U0001f3a8\U0001f3c3\u200d\u2640\ufe0f DrawRun just launched on Product Hunt! Idea to App Store to Product Hunt in 68 hours!\u2070\u2070
— Jordi Bruin (@jordibruin) November 20, 2018
Thanks for the motivation @thepatwalls @arminulrich @_feloidea
Focus only on positive things! These include what *you* have, know and can do. If you don't have, know or cannot do something either get it or ignore it. Don't think about it and don't use it as an excuse.
— Gleb Sabirzyanov (@zyumbik) October 17, 2018
I've been struggling to follow this principle for a long time. #MyMindset