
Every Email Template and Campaign You Will Ever Need

From an email marketer who has generated over $50 Million dollars in sales for multiple 6 to 9 figure e-commerce brands.

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If you've ever said to yourself "I don't know what to write about" this thread will help you.

Use the ideas in this thread as a "grab a bag" of email ideas.

Bookmark it and come back to it for inspiration if you're ever stuck for campaign or email ideas.
Quick PSA:

These threads take time to put together and the info I'm about to give for FREE can potentially make you millions of dollars (as they have for my clients)

All I ask is that you retweet ☝ tweet above to share the knowledge.

Let's get right into this...
#1 New product launch

Purpose: To promote a new product

Note how simple but effective the creative is for this
#2 Holiday's

Purpose: To relate your product to a current holiday

Pro tip: New Years are always a good time to promote as everyone is feeling positive and in buying mode
#3 Educational/Blog Content

Purpose: To share valuable content with your followers.

It's important that you email value to your readers otherwise you'll burn out your list.

This is a good example of an email that drives traffic to a blog
#4 Special Offers/Flash sale

Purpose: To get some sales

Like I said above you don't want to ONLY run sales so make sure you mix it up
#5 Current Events

Purpose: to leverage the attention of current events and use it to promote your product

This email was used by @TheChivery to promote a product during the Superbowl and sent shortly after the Chief's won the superbowl.
#6 Celebrity/Partnership

Purpose: To use the social proof of being aligned with a celebrity/partner and boost your brand

Not everyone will have the budget to partner up with Ariana Grande but partnerships like these are incredible social proof
#7 Giveaway

Purpose: To run a giveaway either solo or partnering with another brand

These can be hit and miss depending on which brand you partner with so choose wisely.

If they work, you will get a lot of new customers
#8 Bundles

Purpose: To package up your product into bundles

These are a fantastic way to increase your AOV (average order value)
#9 Gifting

Purpose: To position your product as the perfect gift

You can use this on any date where gifts are common like mother's day, birthdays, father's day etc
#10 The Case Study or Testimonial

Purpose: To tell the reader the best case studies and testimonials to use as social proof.

Social proof is one of the most powerful ways to sell. It's also very ethical (just don't fudge them!)
#11 The Pop Culture email

Purpose: To leverage existing pop culture and tie it to your product. This can be anything from popular Netflix shows to trending topics.

If you want a good example of this, check out what @TheChivery is doing
#12 What's in the pipeline:

Purpose: Use this email to inform customers about new products you're working on.

Focus on building a relationship by keeping them up to date on what your brand is working on
#13 The villain email

Purpose: To deepen your relationship with your audience by talking about common villains

Eg if you are a vegan brand, then red meat might be your "common villain"
#14 The listicle email

Purpose: To educate and entertain your audience

Remember what I said before about not burning your list with sale after sale.

Listicles like "10 ways to x" are a great way to increase your engagement and improve open rates
#15 Piggyback

Purpose: If you're really struggling for ideas, this one works every time.

What you do is find a powerful quote/lesson from a guru/expert/influencer in your niche and use it to relate back to your product.
#16 The Friday newsletter

Purpose: To send a regular newsletter to your list.

This one is more for personal brands but it's an effective way to give value to your customers.

Eg David Perell does it with Friday Finds.
#17 The Useful Tips

Purpose: Deliver straight value to your list by giving them practical and useful tips

Eg Does your brand sell fashion products for women? You could write a blog about how to dress for the next season
#18 Breaking myths email

Purpose : To break a common myth in your niche and build authority.

This is particularly useful for health related brands.

Every niche has common myths you can break.

Eg for health, a myth might be eating more eggs are bad for you
#19 the FAQ email

Purpose: To answer all the FAQs customers send you

Make a list of all the FAQs and turn them into an email. So easy!
#20 The direct quote email

Purpose: Similar to the testimonial except your best quote from existing customers and use it as a subject line

This one always works wonders if the quote is good

Congrats on reading 'til the end!

But as we both know, reading isn't enough.

So I want you to do 2 things

1. Use these campaigns to go make some money!

2. Follow me (@ecomchasedimond) to get more Ecom Email Marketing Gems like this.
Want more of of these?

Like 96 of these?

With even more email examples + details than are included above.

Get the campaign planner I used to make over $50 million for my email marketing clients:

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More from Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧


You are missing out on revenue every time you send an email.

There are common mistakes I see 99% of businesses making with their email marketing,

& today I want to address them.

Here are 7 common email mistakes you can fix TODAY to make more $$$👇

// THREAD //

#1 Poor segmentation

Segmentation is one of the most important aspects of email marketing,

Especially for eCommerce.

Not segmenting properly can mean lots of unsubscribed, low opens, emails landing in spam, and more.

Here's an intro to segmentation

#2 Poor subject lines

Subject lines get your emails opened.

There's a lot to this that I can't fit here,

But if you're interested, my Campaign Calendar Guide has 100's of great subject line examples 👉https://t.co/kBQoyzcFry

Check this out also

#3 Too wordy

In emails,

You never want to be too wordy or longer than necessary.

Keep your copy as brief as it can possibly be.

Your customers are busy - provide all the info you need to sell the click, and nothing more.

And this also leads to the next common email mistake..

#4 Selling the product, not the click

Don't sell the product in your emails - your product or sales pages do that.

The goal of emails?

To sell the click.

This means inspiring curiosity to get prospects to click-thru.

Stop writing entire sales pages in your emails.

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