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If you are someone who spends more time on analyzing markets during trading, then this for you. Certain traders will create their own bullish or bearish view in their mind but seek confirmation for their trades which is called as confirmation bias. #tradingpsychology 1/15

We do not like people or information that contradicts our thoughts. We like them when they confirm what we think. Hence, we tend to place more weight on information that confirms our trade position. Example- You think market is bullish & wanted to go on a long position,

Next a new bullish bar prints on the chart. You would think "Yes, my bullish proposition is still valid" (even though this bullish bar is smaller range)

A bearish bar prints. But you think "this bar lacks momentum" (because you already have firm belief that market is bullish)

One more bearish bar follows, pushing against a support level. But you would think "the support level is holding" Bullishness confirmed. Buy more! (even though this bar closed below the support level with clear momentum.)
I've been asked if I'm back involved in $UMDK given the apparent improvement in financials in the 1H PnL.

The short answer is NO. Of course this is not investment advice, DYODD, and I have no position in the stock either way but...


I dumped this and moved on when the lack of disclosures + impossible to understand W/C moves made this simply a 'too hard' bucket for me. Post 1H, the qs remain...

I originally thought this biz was levered to rising adoption of Payback, through a licensing/low-touch take-rate type model. That apparently is not the case. Instead most of the growth is from the new 'consulting' segment - but there is no disclosure of what that entails...

...Nor is there disclosure of any clients; nor the revenue split b/w commerce/consulting and the legacy biz; nor any attempt at explanation for how the biz has suddenly exploded in growth...

...meanwhile of course receivables/payables improved HoH but keep in mind the AG (holdco/top level) entity still has essentially zero cash...and all the cash generated by the biz (apparently) sits in an (unaudited) sub...

I'm not casting aspersions but this is 🤔🤔