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TradingView isn't just charts

It's much more powerful than you think

9 things TradingView can do, you'll wish you knew yesterday: ๐Ÿงต

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

1/ Free Multi Timeframe Analysis

Step 1. Download Vivaldi Browser

Step 2. Login to trading view

Step 3. Open bank nifty chart in 4 separate windows

Step 4. Click on the first tab and shift + click by mouse on the last tab.

Step 5. Select "Tile all 4 tabs"

What happens is you get 4 charts joint on one screen.

Refer to the attached picture.

The best part about this is this is absolutely free to do.

Also, do note:

I do not have the paid version of trading view.

2/ Free Multiple Watchlists

Go through this informative thread where @sarosijghosh teaches you how to create multiple free watchlists in the free

3/ Free Segregation into different headers/sectors

You can create multiple sections sector-wise for free.

1. Long tap on any index/stock and click on "Add section above."
2. Secgregate the stocks/indices based on where they belong.

Kinda like how I did in the picture below.
I studied hundreds of top copywriting examples with @heyblake.

Use these 30 copywriting tips to convert readers into customers ๐Ÿงต

Tip from Alex: Repeat Yourself

Reason: Your main benefit shouldnโ€™t be expressed subtly. Repeat it three times. Make it known.

Example: Appleโ€™s M1 Chip

Tip from Blake: Start with goals for the copy.

Reason: You need to know what you are writing, for whom, and what action it should lead to. No guesswork.

Example: My content engine at

Tip from Alex: Use Open Loops

Reason: Open loops peak a reader's interest by presenting an unsolved mystery to the reader. Our brains are hardwired to find closure. Make your product the final closure. Example: Woody Justice

Tip from Blake: Write short, snappy sentences.

Reason: People have short attention spans. And big blocks of text are super hard to read. Make it

Example: Every blog from @Backlinko
50 Marketing Threads That Will Teach You More Than Any Marketing Class ๐Ÿงต

50. Fastest-growing companies use growth loops

49. 7 Proven growth hacking strategies (pt.1)

48. Steal These 7 growth hacks (pt.2)

47. 15 Lessons to write viral Twitter threads
How Loom grew from 0-500K users, and beyond:

[Part 1 of 2]

First, some context:

- Loom was founded in 2015 by @yoyo_thomas, @vhmth, and myself

- Fascinated by video in the workplace and wanted to build use cases against it.

- We built a user testing marketplace (failed) โ†’ pivoted to SaaS (failed) โ†’ Loom ($325M valuation 5/'20)

Launch (0-3K users)

- Launched on @ProductHunt, social media, etc

- Launch week growth was a result of us being the #1 product of the day on PH

- If you want to learn how we converted our launch traffic into real users, @vhmth wrote an excellent piece:


Understanding early growth (3-10K users)

- Given the product was entirely horizontal, we needed to understand our key personas.

- We emailed *all* users a short survey and asked respondents for a 10 min call to talk through their use cases.

Personas we identified:

Building & testing early experiments (10-25K users)

- In parallel, we started to introduce early growth levers to drive more users to the product.

- 1st experiment: Video player watermark (for embeds, downloads, etc)

- 2nd experiment: End of Video CTA (still live today)