1. Ultimate blockchain, NFT and crypto learning thread 👇

(warning 100's of hrs of content)

2. @CalBlockchain 's Spring 2021 fundamentals course: slides and recordings:
3. @tferriss @naval and @NickSzabo4 's podcast about crypto and bitcoin:
4. Similar one to previous but @tferriss, @naval and @VitalikButerin 's podcast on scaling, ETH, NFTs and more
5. @a16z Crypto startup school:
6. @opensea 's all encompassing NFT guide:
7. Understanding off-chain data with @KyleTut of @IPFSPinata
8. @a16z Crypto Glossary:
9. @cdixon 's essay on NFTs and a thousand true fans (must read for people getting into NFT's IMO).

10. For blockchain devs (or people trying to get into Solidity)... this is best tutorial out there:
11. Not solely focused on blockchain but great talk throughout around the subject with @naval and @joerogan on the Joe Rogan Experience
12. @coinbase 's beginners guide to DeFi (decentralized finance):
13. @balajis on why you need blockchain (from a dev approach):
14. @pmarca 's article on why Bitcoin matters (peep that date):
15. For anyone getting into tokenomics this @VitalikButerin is a must read on analyzing the sale models:
16. Another good primer for NFTs and decentralized web with @garyvee and @CoinDesk (this is a short 15 min guy):
17. Why sharding makes sense by @VitalikButerin
18. and on that same note - the limits to blockchain scalability is also up there as a must read by @VitalikButerin as well:
19. Bonus (heady) round here on crypto-civilizations by @balajis on @BanklessHQ. This REALLY opened my eyes to some possibilities I couldn't have even thought of in my dreams.
20. Forgot about rollups - those are important to understand too. Rudimentary article by @VitalikButerin
21. @Consensys 's article on PoS (proof of stake) and PoW (proof of work)
22. @coinbase 's article on understanding web3 approach and mapping through the infrastructure of web2 vs 3 (great dev article)
23. @Stanford 's open course for cryptocurrencies, blockchain and smart contracts
24. @balajis on what blockchain has already helped push the envelope on:
25. @FEhrsam 's article on why ETH is the forefront of digital currency:

More from Crypto

You may be wondering why @bristoliver rather cryptically RT’d a chart that I posted last night. The answer is not just that he loves quadratic fits on log axes, but that this chart may –and I stress may– hint at a vaccine effect amongst the over 80s THREAD

WARNING: this is a long thread, and it’s a bit of a roller-coaster. We find some apparently strong patterns in the data, and then start to unpick them a bit. So if you start getting excited half way through you might find you’re less excited at the end. But we’ll see…

First we first have to go back a bit. @bristoliver posted a thread a few days ago explaining why, with a constant vaccination rate, a log plot of cases should show a quadratic form. In other words, it should fit an equation like: a + b.x + c.x^2

I meant to link in the model thread there - here it is

the quadratic coefficient – the ‘c’ in that equation – gives an estimate of the % of the population who are being newly protected by the vaccine each day. Please note ‘protected by the vaccine’, not ‘vaccinated’ – as we don't expect 100% protection after the first dose

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