The Ultimate Guide to PERMENANTLY Fix Your Bad Posture:

Poor posture leads to:

Back pain
Neck pain
Poor sleep
Stomach aches
Lacking motivation
Decreased testosterone

Basically, a bunch of bad 💩

Here’s everything you need to do to PERMENTANTLY fix your bad posture:
Ideally, sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees.

Sleeping position from BEST to WORST for posture:
-On your back, with pillow under knees
-On your back
-On your side, with pillow between knees
-On your side
-On your stomach
AVOID looking down when using your phone.

Hold your phone up.
Stretch your chest

Almost everyone’s chest muscles are extremely tight, causing them to naturally hunch over.

Hold the wall/doorway and lean forward.

Hold this stretch for 20 seconds at least 3 times throughout the day.
AVOID hunching over.

Sit upright.
Strengthen your back

Weak back = bad posture

Workout your entire back (low, mid, and upper) 2-3 times a week.

Below are examples of a low back, mid back, and upper back exercise.

Perform each exercise 15 times for 3 sets.
Example of low back exercise:


Lie on your stomach and raise your hands and legs as high as you feel comfortable.

You can look straight or down, whatever doesn’t strain your neck.

Hold at the top for a second and go back down.
Example of mid back exercise:

Seated band row

Sit with your legs straight, and back upright

Avoid hunching your back

Hold the band with your palms facing towards each other

Squeeze your shoulder blades together holding for a second, and slowly go back to starting position
Example of upper back exercise:

Wall slides

Your heels, butt, upper back, and elbows should be touching the wall

Focus on puffing your chest out and squeezing your shoulder blades down and towards the middle of your back
Take more stretch breaks

Whether you’re sitting, standing, or walking, even if you constantly remind yourself to have an upright posture, sooner or later, you’ll go back to slouching.

To avoid this, set alarms in 20–40-minute increments to take a short stretch break.
Constant reminders

Set an all-day reminder notification on Google Calendar to fix your posture.

That way, every time you check your phone, which is over 300 times a day on average, you’ll see the notification.

Alternatively, you can use this background picture.
How to PERMENANTLY fix your bad posture:

Sleep on your back with pillow under your knees
Hold your phone up
Stretch your chest
Sit upright
Strength your back
Take more stretch breaks
Remind yourself frequently to fix your posture
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