What's the "value" offered by international relations scholarship?

What does it mean to think about world events "like an international relations scholar"?

Trump's order to withdrawal 🇺🇸 troops from 🇸🇴 offers a useful

This event could be viewed from a variety of angles, from the "micro-level" on up.

International Relations scholars/analysts can and do use each of the following angles, though not all are strictly speaking taking an "International Relations angle".

Let's explore the angles.
The "country-expert" angle entails discussing the event by laying out the situation within Somalia, providing details on key figures involved and perhaps how the conflict has disrupted Somalia's internal governance and society.

The "Military/Security analyst" angle involves outlining the details of what US troops presently do in Somalia and how they carry out their mission (including equipment, mission, and tactics).

See this @ChathamHouse report by @PDWilliamsGWU

The "Area Studies/Regional Expert" angle involves discussing the decision as an event that will impact the Horn of Africa or East Africa more broadly

A "US Defense Policy" angle might look at the decision in light of the broader goal of removing US troops from the the "Greater Middle East"

See this recent @BrookingsInst report by @MichaelEOHanlon & Bruce Riedel

A "US Foreign Policy" angle would consider the decision in light of the overall global realignment of US forces, from South Korea to Germany

For instance, this angle might consider the domestic political pressures influencing the decision

Finally, an "International Relations" angle would ask, "what does this teach us about international politics?"
For example, an IR scholar could ask "what does this teach us about the behavior of major powers?"
This could entail evaluating if the decision is consistent with our understanding of great power competition drives troop deployments (such as this forthcoming @The_JOP paper by @carlammm, @markdnieman, @olga_chyzh, & @SamRBell).

Or one could see what the event teaches us about hegemonic states?

Ex: Does ability to project power (key feature of a major power) mean having to have a military presence everywhere all the time?

See @pkmacdonald & Joe Parent in @Journal_IS

This broader angle provides context, perspective, & language that helps organize thinking and offer understanding of an event.

You know, the things a Liberal Arts education provides

In short, the IR angle "pulls up to 30,000 feet"* to ask about the general patterns & behaviors of key actors** operating globally.


* I've stolen this phrase from JJM, who says it ALL THE TIME :)

** States are a key actor, not the only one (thread for another time)

More from Paul Poast

Is it true that democracies don't go to war with each other?

Sort of. But I wouldn't base public policy on the finding.

Why? Let's turn to the data.


The idea of a "Democratic Peace" is a widely held view that's been around for a long time.

By 1988, there already existed enough studies on the topic for Jack Levy to famously label Democratic Peace "an empirical law"

The earliest empirical work on the topic was the 1964 report by Dean Babst published in the "Wisconsin Sociologist"

Using the war participation data from Quincy Wright's "A Study of War", Babst produced the following two tables

The tables show that democracies were NOT on both sides (of course, Finland is awkward given that it fought WITH Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union).

Babst expanded his study beyond the World Wars in a 1972 paper in Industrial Research. He confirmed his finding.

More from Trump

1. @NYGovCuomo became a pandemic star by contrasting himself with Trump

Cuomo crafted an IMAGE of being determined, honest and grounded in science

But 11 months later this image is falling apart

Follow along for a FACTUAL assessment of Cuomo's

2. Cuomo WROTE A BOOK, published in October, celebrating his own leadership during the pandemic.

Cuomo writes that NY had "confronted and defeated" the virus, and had "achieved what all the experts told us was impossible."

Today, things look

3. Today, New York has 338 people hospitalized with COVID per million residents.

This is the HIGHEST NUMBER IN ANY STATE by a considerable margin.


4. Overall, 46K New Yorkers have died of COVID, which trails only California (47K), a state with 2x as many people.

On a per capita basis, New York has had more deaths than every state but New Jersey.

Cuomo made decisions that made things

5. A new report by NY AG Letitia James (D) found Cuomo's order requiring nursing homes to accept residents w/COVID "may have put residents at increased risk of harm"

Cuomo dismissed criticisms of his nursing home policies in his book as

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