How to run a company (in priority order):

1: Define a crystal clear north star

Great companies know their destination.

Everyone rowing in one direction.

The best north star? A SIMPLE, measurable metric.

Get it right, and watch the magic unfold! 💫
2: Hire uncomfortably good people

Ah, my favorite line!

Hire people you have no right to hire.

Who are so good it makes you nervous.

Who force everyone to step up their game.

Always level up 🦾
3: Create a culture of urgency

Nothing is more powerful than a group of people making every day count 🔥⚡️🚨
4: Make sure no one gets blocked

You’re paying good people good money.

Make sure they don’t get stuck!

Demotivating for them 🤦

Disastrous for the bottom line.
5: Occasionally take big swings

And when you do, go ALL IN!

There’s one thing you can always count on:

The world is changing.

There’s no better way to future-proof your business then disrupting yourself.
6: Nail the attitude

Enthusiasm, hard work, care for each other.

These are winning traits 🏆

Culture establishes the traits that define how your people operate.

A relentless optimism overcomes all obstacles.
Now imagine a company with:
1/ A clear north star
2/ Exceptional people
3/ Urgency at every corner
4/ Empowered teammates
5/ Fearless risk taking
6/ And a great attitude

… that’s a WINNER!
Ok that’s it folks!

How to run a company in 6 steps.

Follow me for more hands-on business threads 📈

Now go crush it!

More from Ryan Breslow 🕺

Over the last 7 years I’ve built 2 multi-billion dollar companies.

It’s been grueling. We don’t share these lessons enough.

So I decided to do that over the last month.

The feedback has been awesome - 25k new followers in 1 month.

Here’s a roundup of all of the threads 👇

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