The #1 cause of death in startups is 🥁🥁
Co-founder issues!
Who you pick as co-founder is perhaps THE most important decision you’ll make.
I have a TON of advice on the topic, so let’s dive in 👇
The biggest lesson I\u2019ve learned in building a $4B company:
— Ryan Breslow \U0001f57a (@ryantakesoff) September 23, 2021
It\u2019s all about the people.
I\u2019m thrilled to announce today that Bolt is the first tech unicorn to officially shift to a 4 day work week.
Here\u2019s why we did it and how we came to the decision \U0001f447\U0001f447\U0001f447
Over the last 5 years, I built a $4B company.
— Ryan Breslow \U0001f57a (@ryantakesoff) September 20, 2021
Sounds awesome right?
Not until recently.
I made every mistake imaginable.
The toughest part was getting my head right.
Here are the 12 mindset rules that I\u2019ve developed.
At Bolt we grew from $400M to $4B in the last 10 months.
— Ryan Breslow \U0001f57a (@ryantakesoff) September 28, 2021
That's a 10x in 10 months.
This wasn\u2019t an accident, but it also wasn\u2019t a given.
The shift? We started making EVERY day count.
What exactly does that mean?
Let's break it down \U0001f447\U0001f447\U0001f447
In the last 90 days, we\u2019ve closed more deals than ever before in Bolt\u2019s history.
— Ryan Breslow \U0001f57a (@ryantakesoff) September 25, 2021
These deals alone have added billions to our valuation
This wasn't an accident.
We completely changed how we negotiate deals.
Here are 10 tactics we use today to negotiate Bolt\u2019s best deals:
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) November 28, 2020
Been getting lot of dm's from people telling me they want to learn option trading and need some recommendations.
Here I'm listing the resources every beginner should go through to shorten their learning curve.
The absolute best 15 scanners which experts are using.
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) January 29, 2021
Got these scanners from the following accounts:
1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sanjufunda
3. @sanstocktrader
4. @SouravSenguptaI
5. @Rishikesh_ADX
Share for the benefit of everyone.
12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) February 7, 2021
These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:
1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili
Share for the benefit of everyone.
Curated tweets on How to Sell Straddles
— Aditya Todmal (@AdityaTodmal) February 21, 2021
Everything covered in this thread.
1. Management
2. How to initiate
3. When to exit straddles
4. Examples
5. Videos on Straddles
Share if you find this knowledgeable for the benefit of others.