A THREAD detailing the daily routine of Hindu emperors of the past during peace time. Once we are done through with the thread, one will realize what a contrast the present day secular state is to the Hindu Samrajyas of the past. As to how far we've moved away from tradition (1)

As an example we'll have a look at the life of Vijayanagara samrat Vira Narasimharaya. He was the elder brother of the great Shri Krishnadevaraya. Each aspect of Narasimharaya's life has been chronicled in detail in the Raayavacakam (2)
The day of Narasimharaya started with him waking up during the auspicious Brahma muhurta time (between 4:30 am to 6 am). First thing in the morning he'd listen to reading of books both on Dharma & statecraft. He'd then proceed to look at his own reflection in the mirror (3)
He'd then proceed to the gau-shala & touch a cow to seek her blessings. This is followed by performing of daily ablutions. He'd then put the the urdhva pundra (tilak) on his forehead. Before proceeding to the audience hall, he'd have a darshan of learned Brahmanas. (4)
While seated on the throne in the audience hall, the very first thing Narasimharaya would receive is the tirtha and the prasada of 108 Vishnu temples (divya desams), the sacred vibhuti, sandal paste and prasada of the 72 Shiva temples of the empire. (5)
Narasimharaya would receive the tirtha & prasada with great respect. He'd then request the Iyengars(Vaishnavas) & Aradhyas(Shaivas) to take their respective positions in the court. (6)
Narasimharaya would then go on to inquire from the Vaishnavas the state of functioning of 8 of the most important Vaishnava temples at Srirangam, Srimushnam, Venkatachalam (Tirumala), Saligramam, Thothadri, Naimisaranyam, Pushkarakshetram & Badarikashramam. (7)
The inquiry would include knowing from the Vaishnavas if the officials (mudrakarta) of all the Temples are conducting the worship of the deity without any deficiency; and the daily festivals are being celebrated properly in all the 108 Divya Desams (8)
Similarly Narasimharaya would inquire from the Shaivas the state of functioning of all 72 Shiva Temples, including the most auspicious Panchabhoota temples i.e. Ekamranatha(Kanchi), Jambunatha(Thiruvanaikaval), Arunachaleswara(Tiruvannamalai), Kalahastisvara & Chidambaresvara (9)
Narasimharaya would also inquire about the state of functioning of the 18 Shaktipeetas from the Aradhyas. To know if they received their proper allowances; and
that the daily festivals were being celebrated regularly. (10)
Narasimharaya would then present the Vaishnavas & Shaivas with Tambula following which they'd take leave of the audience. Next the king would summon Dharmasanam Dharmayya, a minister to inquire on the state of the Agraharas(dwellings) in each of the major regions.. (11)
In Andhra, Hoysala, Morasunad, Melnad, Karnataka, Ghattasimha, Chera, Chola, Magadha, Pandya & Malaya. The inquiry would mainly be regarding Brahmanas & their well being. That if they are performing their daily rites; learning the 4 Vedas, 6 Shastras etc (12)
Samrat Narasimharaya would then summon the Dandanayakas (Army commanders) to inquire from them the state of security of the all the durgas (forts). The Dandanayaka would present a report on security arrangements on all the different types of forts (13)
Different forts : giri-durgas, sthala-durgas, jala-durgas and vana-durgas. Satisfied with the state of security at the forts, the Dandanayaka would then call for the chief Talaari (Watchman) of the capital city (Vijayanagara). The Talaari would present his report (14)
The talaari during the reign of Narasimharaya was a person by the name Jangamayya. He'd then report to the Dandanayaka the general state of affairs of the citizens of Vijayanagara city. (15)
The Talaari's report would go like this :

"The talaaris are always actively vigilant in watching
Vidyanagara and its outer suburbs day and night. Therefore,
the people of the eighteen castes (who inhabit the city) are
enjoying happiness and great prosperity" (16)
The Dandanayaka would in turn report this information to Narasimharaya. Next in line to report to the king are the 9 Sampratis(accountants) who present to the king an account of the 18 ports of the empire. (17)
The account would usually involve reading of letters & other dispatches that came to Vijayanagara from different places.
When that was over, he'd summoned his ministers & Dalapati (Commander in the military) and took counsel with them privately for sometime. (18)
The king would follow this up with a Durbar where a variety of folks would be invited to participate. They are :

72 niyogas, palaiyagars (military governers), amaranayakas (nobles), purohits, acharyas, jiyangars, jyothishyas, Vaidyanathas(physicians), cavaliers, mahuts (19)
Police officers, tributary chiefs, Vaitalikas (bards), Vaijjaniks(scientists), Vainikas( Veena players), Gayakas(singers), playwrights, well wishers & a lot more. The king would give all of them an audience. (20)
For anyone who is interest to know more about the lives of Vijayanagara emperors in detail, the book is called Further sources of Vijayanagara history by Nilakanta Sastri.


More from Ugra

A THREAD on the principles of Hindu iconography & iconometry. In order to fully be able to appreciate our ancient art,one must have a rudimentary knowledge of the various terminologies & methodologies employed by ancient artisans & builders. We'll dwell on that in this thread (1)

Before we proceed any further, I'd like you to have a look at the below THREAD on the ancient Hindu system of measurement. A lot of terminologies from there will be used here too. Get yourself acquainted with the different units of Hindu measurement

The ancient Temple builders i.e. the Sthapatis, have consulted various Shastras in order to execute all their wondrous workmanship. The Shastras are many, yet there is much commonality than differences in them. (3)

This vast ocean of knowledge revealed by the Devas to the ancient Rishis has resulted in the various different styles of Temple building, image making, rock sculpturing etc (4)

Some of the important Shastras consulted by the Sthapatis:

1) Vishnudharmotthara purana
2) Agni Purana
3) Matsya Purana
4) Brihat Samhita

Above texts contain a vast ocean of info on Temple building. Ancient Temples of Northern Bharat were built according to this tradition (5)

More from Religion

1. A)Yes , monotheism does mean there is one God & all other gods are false.

But your statement that it also mean " that God is my God " is misleading . It depends on the doctrine of that monotheistic religion .

From Islamic monotheism , Allah never said that he is Creator of Arabs . He is Creator if all in creation . So from a doctrinal pov your statement doens't hold up .

B ) how did u write Advaita = hindu philosophy ? Do u want me to mention difference between Advaita and dvaita ?

" There is no concept of shirk in Hinduism " . This is a red hearing , No One claimed Hinduism also has concept of shirk .

2. Tribal God ? In Islamic doctrine . No where it says Allah is Only God of Quraish tribe .

It was always " ilahi n Naas " , not to mention islamic was always about one's belief & not race/ethnicity , So it was never tribalistic in its Nature

& If someone's doctrine is to be Questioned for being tribalistic , It's Hinduism . It's a ethnico religion . Originated on the banks of Indus river , With special mentions to " Aryans " in 4 vedas.

Even after 4000 yrs , 95% of it's followers live in India .

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And here they are...


Remember, this money is just fun. If you launched a product (or even attempted a launch) - you did something worth MUCH more than $1,000.


The winners 👇


Lattes For Change - Skip a latte and save a life.


@frantzfries built a platform where you can see how skipping your morning latte could do for the world.

A great product for a great cause.

Congrats Chris on winning $250!


Instaland - Create amazing landing pages for your followers.


A team project! @bpmct and @BaileyPumfleet built a tool for social media influencers to create simple "swipe up" landing pages for followers.

Really impressive for 24 hours. Congrats!


SayHenlo - Chat without distractions


Built by @DaltonEdwards, it's a platform for combatting conversation overload. This product was also coded exclusively from an iPad 😲

Dalton is a beast. I'm so excited he placed in the top 10.


CoderStory - Learn to code from developers across the globe!


Built by @jesswallaceuk, the project is focused on highlighting the experience of developers and people learning to code.

I wish this existed when I learned to code! Congrats on $250!!
12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.

These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili

Share for the benefit of everyone.

Here are the setups from @Pathik_Trader Sir first.

1. Open Drive (Intraday Setup explained)

Bactesting results of Open Drive

2. Two Price Action setups to get good long side trade for intraday.

1. PDC Acts as Support
2. PDH Acts as

Example of PDC/PDH Setup given