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A THREAD on the principles of Hindu iconography & iconometry. In order to fully be able to appreciate our ancient art,one must have a rudimentary knowledge of the various terminologies & methodologies employed by ancient artisans & builders. We'll dwell on that in this thread (1)

Before we proceed any further, I'd like you to have a look at the below THREAD on the ancient Hindu system of measurement. A lot of terminologies from there will be used here too. Get yourself acquainted with the different units of Hindu measurement

The ancient Temple builders i.e. the Sthapatis, have consulted various Shastras in order to execute all their wondrous workmanship. The Shastras are many, yet there is much commonality than differences in them. (3)

This vast ocean of knowledge revealed by the Devas to the ancient Rishis has resulted in the various different styles of Temple building, image making, rock sculpturing etc (4)

Some of the important Shastras consulted by the Sthapatis:

1) Vishnudharmotthara purana
2) Agni Purana
3) Matsya Purana
4) Brihat Samhita

Above texts contain a vast ocean of info on Temple building. Ancient Temples of Northern Bharat were built according to this tradition (5)