Covid recovery money is going to the oligarchy.
Ottawa and the provinces have put very little on the table to help clean-tech companies directly during Covid 19 while targeting fossil-fuel producers with more than $16 billion in aid.
Coast to coast people have demanded treaties be honored. We demanded climate action, divestment and land back but Canada is not listening. This video shows 10 years of rallies in Waterloo Ontario. City & regional council declared a climate emergency. 🚨
The Bank of China (BOC), SNC-Lavalin and WE Charity were recipients of taxpayer-funded the Covid 19 Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) benefits.
View my thread where I told the Pope about Brookfield's links to Muslim Brotherhood via Qatar. I speak of Canada investing in nuclear and SNC Lavalin during Covid.
Irving already has permission to access tar sands oil off the West Coast for shipment through Panama Canal to East Coast of Canada. Boats already doing the trip.
Citic stands to profit with global instability because they are in the business of global security. They make money off war, social uprises, security systems etc. Just follow the money.
@threadreaderapp unroll
André Desmarais was member of Citic's company's board of directors for 16 years
Yin Ke is CPPIB's Senior Advisor to China. CPPIB handles our Canadian Pensions. He was Vice-Chairman at CITIC Pacific, and prior to that he was Vice-Chairman, Executive Director and a member of the Executive Committee of CITIC Securities.
It is China leveraging Tar Sands.
It is Qatar investing in Citic.

More from Louisette Lanteigne 🌎✌️⚖️♥️

Please Review re: Coastal GasLink Pipeline @TaxJusticeNet @FairTaxCanada @GA4TJ @StopCorpAbuse @SEC_Enforcement @anticorruption @UNDPGAIN @OCCRP @ICIJorg @hrw @HRWcanada @UN_Women @UN4Indigenous @WMC_WR @NWAC_CA @NCAI1944 @AFN_Updates @lakotalaw @HonorTheEarth @antonioguterres

53 organizations representing over 2 million people, we call on the Government of Canada to immediately order EDC to align its business with Canada’s climate commitments. Coastal Gaslink Pipeline mentioned.

In Canada the pattern repeated with multiple pipelines. After approvals they flip the ownership of pipes with asset sales to negate contractual obligations re: terms of approval, insurance, liability etc. This happened to TransMountain, Coastal Gas Link, Enbridge Line 10 etc.

My email to the Prime Minister from Feb. 2020. I am still waiting for the answers.

Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is formerly the National Energy Board. I asked for proof of the insurance of Enbridge's pipelines. The CER Chair sent me data based on assets owned in 2016 most of which has been sold off since. The website give in the response held that info.

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