There really isn't enough sociology in advertising nowadays...

"I am Myrtle, Goddess of logistics and distribution..."
"Look at what you could have won..."

More from Pulp Librarian

More from Marketing

Master list of how to SCRAPE any category of leads.

Ecommerce, local biz, B2B, LinkedIn searches, info product sellers, enterprise, ANYTHING.

Likes / Retweets appreciated.


1/ Ecommerce Stores


Further filter based on apps installed.

Selling email marketing?

Shopify + Klaviyo

Instantly unlock direct email addresses of decision makers WITH LinkedIn profiles.

Emails are already verified, no need to do it yourself.

2/ Local Biz


"Find B2C local businesses"

Specify country, state, city, sort by ratings.

Instantly unlocks generic email addresses.

But wait

You need direct owner emails.

Take the list of domains, and plug them into Klean Leads "Find B2B contacts"


It will process and spit out *direct* email addresses of the titles you specify.

3/ LinkedIn Searches

Let's scrape marketing agencies.

Go to LinkedIn and type in "marketing agency" (just an example)

Click "all filters"

Connections: 2nd, 3rd

Location: US

Industry: Marketing & Advertising

Titles: owner OR founder OR CEO OR CMO


Let's scrape it
Digital ad spend is up 31% this year.

More competition, more expensive clicks.

How to master 5 FREE marketing channels:

1. Email Newsletters

Ethan Brooks offers a million dollars of value in this mega-thread on how to build a 7-figure newsletter

2. SEO

Hrishikesh Pardeshi, founder of Flexiple and Buildd, reveals his 30-step framework for how a startup should approach

2. SEO (continued)

Yannick from Hypefury delivers a powerful guide to key SEO concepts with examples, tools and recommended videos to dive

3. Organic Twitter

Learn how Aadit Sheth writes killer threads that have earned him over 80K

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