🕵️‍♂️ How Google's PageRank algorithm works

The PageRank algorithm gives each page a rating of its
importance, which is a recursively defined measure of importance, based on if important pages link to it.
It's recursive because the importance of a page refers back to the importance of other pages that link to it
Here's how it works in practice:
1⃣ We start with some pages and crawl them for links
2⃣ Each page has 1/N points (where N as the total number of pages)
3⃣ Add points to each page for the amount of links to it, divided by the number
of links emanating from the sources of these links
4⃣ If a page has no links redistribute its points equally among all the other pages
🔁 Repeat until the page points stabilise (what really happens repeating is that at each repetition there's a damping of the redistribution, but that's not easy to understand or explain 😅 but you can imagine it as a "decay" of points being redistributed)

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These past few days I've been experimenting with something new that I want to use by myself.

Interestingly, this thread below has been written by that.

Let me show you how it looks like. 👇🏻

When you see localhost up there, you should know that it's truly an experiment! 😀

It's a dead-simple thread writer that will post a series of tweets a.k.a tweetstorm. ⚡️

I've been personally wanting it myself since few months ago, but neglected it intentionally to make sure it's something that I genuinely need.

So why is that important for me? 🙂

I've been a believer of a story. I tell stories all the time, whether it's in the real world or online like this. Our society has moved by that.

If you're interested by stories that move us, read Sapiens!

One of the stories that I've told was from the launch of Poster.

It's been launched multiple times this year, and Twitter has been my go-to place to tell the world about that.

Here comes my frustration.. 😤

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