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Thanks for this incredibly helpful analysis @dgurdasani1

Two questions. 1/ Does this summarise the AZ published data :
The plan is to extend the time interval for all age groups despite it being largely untested on the over 55yrs, although the full data is not yet published

Do we have the actual numbers of over 55yr olds given a 2nd dose at c12 weeks and the accompanying efficacy data?

Not to mention the efficacy data of the full first dose over that same period?

I’d quite like to know whether I am to be a guinea pig & the ongoing risks to manage

You attached photos of excerpts from a paper. Could you attach the link?

Re Pfizer. As I understand it the most efficacious interval for dosing was investigated at the start of the trial.

Here’s the link to the

I’ve got to say that this way of making and announcing decisions is not inspiring confidence in me and I am very pro vaccination as a matter of principle, not least because my brother caught polio before vaccinations available.
With hard work and determination, anyone can learn to code.

Here’s a list of my favorites resources if you’re learning to code in 2021.


1. freeCodeCamp.

I’d suggest picking one of the projects in the curriculum to tackle and then completing the lessons on syntax when you get stuck. This way you know *why* you’re learning what you’re learning, and you're building things

2. is a hidden gem. Things I love about it:

1) You can see the most upvoted solutions so you can read really good code

2) You can ask questions in the discussion section if you're stuck, and people often answer. Free

3. and

On stackoverflow you can find answers to almost every problem you encounter. On GitHub you can read so much great code. You can build so much just from using these two resources and a blank text editor.

4. @eggheadio specifically for frontend dev.

Their tutorials are designed to maximize your time, so you never feel overwhelmed by a 14-hour course. Also, the amount of prep they put into making great courses is unlike any other online course I've seen.
10 machine learning YouTube videos.

On libraries, algorithms, and tools.

(If you want to start with machine learning, having a comprehensive set of hands-on tutorials you can always refer to is fundamental.)


1⃣ Notebooks are a fantastic way to code, experiment, and communicate your results.

Take a look at @CoreyMSchafer's fantastic 30-minute tutorial on Jupyter Notebooks.

2⃣ The Pandas library is the gold-standard to manipulate structured data.

Check out @joejamesusa's "Pandas Tutorial. Intro to DataFrames."

3⃣ Data visualization is key for anyone practicing machine learning.

Check out @blondiebytes's "Learn Matplotlib in 6 minutes" tutorial.

4⃣ Another trendy data visualization library is Seaborn.

@NewThinkTank put together "Seaborn Tutorial 2020," which I highly recommend.