Books every entrepreneur should read in 2022 (and why):

1/ Thinking Fast and Slow


• Probably the best book written on human behavior

• You will learn how to be aware of your own bias

• Make better decisions by understanding your blind spots
2/ The Innovator’s Dilemma


• Why big companies miss disruptive innovations

• Big companies demand quantification of market size

• Disruptive markets in their infancy can’t be quantified
3/ Zero to One


• Competition is for losers

• Monopolies are actually good

• Large TAM’s are overrated
4/ How to Win Friends and Influence People


• Business is about people

• You’re selling to people (customers) or hiring people (employees)

• This book helps you get better at both
5/ Super Pumped


• Uber faced so much resistance when it was launching

• If you're building a product in a market where there are large incumbents, take lessons from this book
6/ Extreme Ownership  


• Stories from the army on how to lead teams

• Good leaders take ownership of what they do

• Good leaders take ownership of what happens to their team
7/ Atomic Habits


• Change your life by taking small steps

• Small steps become part of your routine until a new habit is formed
8/ The E Myth


• How to think in terms of systems and processes for your business

• A good business can function without the owner being involved in everything

• This comes down to building great processes to fulfill the work you do
9/ The Lean Startup


• How to think about MVPs for your launch

• This book crystallized the notion of validating your learnings via quick experiments

• Throw out the business plan, take action and test the market quickly
10/ The Compound Effect


• Compound Growth is the 8th wonder of the world

• This book dives into how compound growth can improve your life

• You overestimate what you can do in a day and underestimate what you can do in a year
11/ Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway


• We all have fears, doubts, and suffer from analysis paralysis

• This book is a great reminder that fear is normal

• You will learn how to embrace your fears and take action anyway
12/ Think Again


• A new perspective on how to handle conflict

• How to change someone’s mind when they’re being stubborn

• How to build and nurture a passion
13/ Reverse Innovation


• Most people assume that the developing world is behind

• This book turns that assumption on its head

• Building for emerging markets allows you to import high-impact and low-cost innovations to developed markets
14/ No Rules Rules


• Netflix has one of the most unique corporate cultures

• A must-read as build your own company and think about culture

• This book written by the CEO dives into why Netflix came up with policies on: feedback and unlimited vacations
15/ Nudge


• Dissect how human beings make decisions

• The way things are placed in our environment influence how we make decisions

• Think twice about “default” options when making decisions
16/ The Almanack of Naval Ravikant


• The 1st tweet I’ve ever bookmarked on twitter was Naval’s tweet on how to get rich (without getting lucky)

• A collection of Naval's lessons on wealth building and life

• This book is available for free online

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