A thread of resources for aspiring & new Product Managers:

(should also be useful for Eng, Design, Data Science, Mktg, Ops folks who want to get better at PM work or want to build more empathy for your PM friends ☺️)

(oh, and pls also share *your* favorite resources below)



Product Management - Start Here by @cagan
(hard to go wrong if you start with Marty Cagan’s work)


Tips for Breaking into PM by @sriramk
(I’ve recommended this thread in my DMs more often than any other thread, by a pretty wide margin)


Top 100 Product Management Resources by @sachinrekhi
(well-categorized index so you can focus on whatever’s most useful right now)


Brief interruption.

It’s important to understand your preferred learning style and go all in on that learning style (vs. struggling / procrastinating as you force a non-preferred learning style)


Build with @maggiecrowley


Other podcasts I like as a PM


Twitter is an invaluable resource for product people, much better than LinkedIn content.

Use it, and tell your PM friends to use it too.

But whom to follow?

Check out this list:

(fellow PMs, please reply below with other lists/accounts you like)

Consider following PM communities such as @TheProductfolks @womenpm

(fellow PMs, please do share more PM communities below)

Top 3 books for entry level PMs:
Getting Things Done
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Also check out Escaping the Build Trap @lissijean


I’m a fan of product/UI/strategy teardowns as a way to "learn-by-doing".

One teardowns resource I’ve recommended for a while is https://t.co/BSeVzFZSNG

There are a few out there (fellow PMs, please share more teardown resources below).


Be sure you want to be a PM. It’s a great role. I love it.

But PM isn’t the “step up” that ppl think it is.

There are other paths to success.

So choose it for the right reasons & be open to cutting your losses if you find out it isn’t for you

All the best!
What other great resources did I miss?

Please reply to this tweet to share with the community.

Back to the top of this thread: https://t.co/Rx3JH7eNbA

More from Shreyas Doshi

🗓️Recap of March 2021 content

Solve THE problem
3 types of product leaders
Levels of product work
Getting work done
“I don’t know”
Good people, bad managers
Customer segmentation
LinkedIn Envy
On communication
Important definitions
Life-changing books
& much more..


A story that often plays out when we are not rigorous enough about the importance of the customer problem our product

The 3 types / hats / modes of product

An extremely important observation about product

A thread on getting work

More from Internet

The new tactics to implement the #CancelCulture are quite ingenious. They are not going after what they want cancelled directly, they are going after how it gets to you! It’s attacking the free market, and it’s harder to spot and harder to fight before it’s done! Read on!


Here’s an example. If there’s a challenge to the normal Social Media platforms, then they aren’t wasting time going after the new app, they are making the app unavailable well more difficult to get. This puts people off from going to the trouble or switching.


They are going to do this in a way you won’t see it coming. They are going to stop it before the source.

Soon, the media is going to be a complete left wing echo-chamber. Social Media, TV and Papers all left wing and you don’t get to say “what about free speech?”


Why? Because they aren’t playing against free speech. They are going after the free market. This also gives you an idea what socialism can and will do.

I don’t expect my account to last long now I’m watching this and exposing it! Please share, stand your ground and don’t quit!

Here’s the proof that CNN are trying to get Fox cancelled at the broadcast level, stop it getting into people’s homes by getting the TV providers to ban it. Again, targeted before what we see as the source. This is also the groundwork for any

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The YouTube algorithm that I helped build in 2011 still recommends the flat earth theory by the *hundreds of millions*. This investigation by @RawStory shows some of the real-life consequences of this badly designed AI.

This spring at SxSW, @SusanWojcicki promised "Wikipedia snippets" on debated videos. But they didn't put them on flat earth videos, and instead @YouTube is promoting merchandising such as "NASA lies - Never Trust a Snake". 2/

A few example of flat earth videos that were promoted by YouTube #today:
https://t.co/TumQiX2tlj 3/

https://t.co/uAORIJ5BYX 4/

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