7 Tactics To Increase Engagement on Your Threads

// THREAD //

People are constantly seeing the same stuff over and over again on their timeline.

This is why you need to learn how to stand out.

When they’re scrolling you need to grab their attention and reel them into something they want to read.
If you think about it, your job is just to get them to click your tweet. Once that’s done, they’ll be reading your other ones in no time.

In order to get them to click you need to show one of these 7 things:
> authority
> experience
> value
> lesson
> mystery
> opinion
> numbers
The easiest way to write headlines based off of these things is to write out your audience’s objections.

Then, indirectly counter their objection within your headline (sounds cool right?).

An old copywriting trick 😉
1. Authority

“Why should I read your thread? What have you done that makes me trust you”

“$97,840 in Profit This Month Using This 5-Step Plan to Make Landing Pages”

Authority shows people you know what you’re doing by telling them a true stat/claim.
2. Experience

“You’re just some guy with a stupid yellow background on twitter. Why should I listen to you?”

“5-Step Plan That I’ve Used in 1000+ Hours Of Making Landing Pages”

Similar to authority, but different because you’re not starting with the experience.
3. Value

“This guy is probably going to sell me something”

“5 Sites I Use to Make My Copy and Landing Pages 10x Better”

Here you don’t really have to face any objections. Because whether they believe your experience or not, they’re learning about 5 amazing sites.
4. Lesson

“Why should I read a story about some random guy?”

“The Most Important Thing I Learned From 4 Years at Harvard Business School”

I combined authority, value, and a lesson. I think of a lesson as the ending to a story, while value is shown in every tweet.
5. Mystery

“I’ve been scrolling for hours and haven’t seen an interesting tweet”

“Why You Should Delete Your Twitter Account Right Now”

As long as you’re not leaving too much up to mystery then this tactic is amazing. Give them a little taste of why they should care.
6. Opinion

“I feel the urge to comment under a tweet when I disagree with it”

“Screw Being Someone’s Pawn, 5 Reasons Why The School System Sucks”

When you make a strong statement, people will love it or hate it. Luckily, they both will comment telling you that.
7. Numbers

“Words can boring after awhile, numbers speak volumes”

“7 Tactics To Increase Engagement on Your Threads”

See what I did there 😉 Numbers and stats are a great way to prove all of the tactics above as well. They are a great addition every time.
A lot of these concepts go hand-in-hand. Combining them will only make them stronger.

I don’t write the first tweet in my threads until I’m done writing the thread.

Always helps me to think of a more intriguing title that relates more to what I just wrote.

Kill your threads!

More from Logan | Landing Pages 📚

3.2 billion people use Chrome as their browser…

But no one knows all the best extensions Chrome has to offer.

Here are 13 extensions that you shouldn't live without…

1) ScribeHow

Scribe allows me to record a video going over something and automatically puts it into a step-by-step guide.

Saves me time when:
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- onboarding
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2) Similar Sites

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• allows you find better resources
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3) Power Thesaurus

• replace powerless language
• find synonyms to words in your copy or writing
• great at finding attention grabbing words for your headline


4) GoFullPage

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• PNG, JPEG, or various PDF options to download
• fast and easy to use


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* being spied on all the time means that the people of the 21st century are less able to be their authentic selves;

* any data that is collected and retained will eventually breach, creating untold harms;


* data-collection enables for discriminatory business practices ("digital redlining");

* the huge, tangled hairball of adtech companies siphons lots (maybe even most) of the money that should go creators and media orgs; and


* anti-adblock demands browsers and devices that thwart their owners' wishes, a capability that can be exploited for even more nefarious purposes;

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These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili

Share for the benefit of everyone.

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