is open for essay submissions until February 28, so here’s a #RumpusEssays thread in which our amazing editors share what they would like to see in submissions. Give them a follow and send your essay our way via @submittable

@The_Rumpus Features Editor @happiestwerther is “still (forever) in love with the researched essays that teach me something about a subject while I also learn about a narrator.” #RumpusEssays
@The_Rumpus Assistant Features Editor @sarahkasbeer would like to see “essays with unexpected engines / innovative structures / emotional and intellectual depth / good ole narrative tension.” #RumpusEssays
@The_Rumpus Features Editor @kaytaybayy: “I'd love to see essays that are imbued with kinetic energy. I don't care what they're about. Just sweep me into your experiences and thoughts. Compel me to shake my dust off.” #RumpusEssays
@The_Rumpus Asst Feat Ed @DJ_theoretical: "I’d love to read about that weird, niche topic you’re obsessed with. Your Pog collection, those ribbon candies that seemingly only grandmas buy, your new obscure hobby. Distract me from the horrible big picture with your hyperfixations."
@The_Rumpus Assistant Features Editor @darcyjaygagnon is “very interested in learning more about art, science, music, or all the above. Or truly any topic that isn't the pandemic.” #RumpusEssays
@The_Rumpus Feat Ed @eve_ettinger wants "to see queer & trans authors writing essays where gender/identity isn't the plot. Poets writing prose. Essays that you can't quite describe, but which sing. Essays about weird jobs, bendy & confusing grief, & home as a complex space.”
@The_Rumpus Asst Feat Ed @TaylorByas3: "As a poet, I'm drawn to lyric essays as concerned with the beauty of language as they are with storytelling & voice. I'm also into hybrid/experimental pieces that play w/ formatting. Ultimately, I will die for a good braided essay."
@The_Rumpus Features Editor @theljsharks wants “to hear something you'd only tell someone you were never going to see again. Haunt me.” #RumpusEssays
Closing things out, @The_Rumpus Features Editor p.e. garcia wants to see more essays from “new writers, particularly people of color and queer folx.” #RumpusEssays

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