#FarmersAgitation #FarmerPolitics #FarmersProtestHijacked Learn the truth.
Arhtiyas (commission agents) who have been the main link between farmers and procurement agencies in the two states of Punjab and Haryana, launched their campaign against the Centre’s agri-marketing

ordinances early as the three bills cleared by Parliament will adversely affect their business. There are over 30,000 registered Arhtiyas in Punjab and Haryana who are deeply entrenched in the system. They exercise a strong influence on agricultural activities and the politics of
both states. These 30,000 employ another 300,000 sub agents or sidekicks or people who would not have made it into doing anything anyplace were it not for the patronage network of these 30,000. But there are only 1500 farming villages in Punjab. 330,000 / 1500 is about 220 people
on average per village doing the work of middlemen.
Why is this the case?
We had a food shortage and a ship to mouth existence until the 1970’s. Norman Borlaug pioneered a variety of wheat which gave 10 X the yield but needed 3X the fertiliser. The Punjab was chosen as the
battleground against hunger. Enterprising Sikh farmers worked hard to Create what we know as the green revolution. Since there were huge shortages laws were made which didn’t allow for stockholding or selling at farm gates. Essential Commodities Act - APMC Act (farmers were
compelled to sell only at APMC’s to licensed traders - remember license permit quota Raj?) as an assurance to the farmer for his hard work. Minimum Support Prices were guaranteed no matter what the quantum was. Sarkar would pick up the produce and provide farmers with a minimum
amount as compensation per quintal or ton as the case maybe. Getting money out of the government treasury is a muck filled process. Thus was born the breed of middle men who walked the corridors of bureaucracy, government and worked corrupt sarkari babus. Political patronage
networks flourished. There was no sunset clause on this. Nobody foresaw a time of surplus production on food grains. As a result all other states such as Haryana, UP, Bihar, Rajasthan & MP all produce surfeits of Grain. They also have their own MSP mechanisms which have
proliferated and created similar political patronage networks. Since more is acquired at Mandis in Punjab, remember the central government promise grain from UP and or Bihar also finds its ways into the mandi system of Punjab. The thekedar comes and takes the theka of growing on
the land. For those unfamiliar with the word Theka it is also referred to as contract. There are grumblings about corporates contracting with farmers directly now. The reason is plenty of farmers do not much except receive their due at the end of each cropping season.
220 : 1 is
the ratio of middlemen to a single village in Punjab today. This business got integrated backwards. Corruption has been institutionalized. In both states, the commission agents double up as moneylenders and are known as ATMs of farmers. They financed 67% of the loans in unbanked
villages and 55% of the loans in areas where there is a bank in Punjab. That is why despite attempts to promote farmer producer organisations FPOs farmers preferred to fall back on commission agents. Significantly a large number of senior politicians in Haryana including the
families of former chief misters Bhajan Lal and O.P. Chautala were involved in the arhtiya business and had shops in Adampur and Sisa markets. The Jamkhedkar committee meanwhile reports that over 40% of the grain acquired under MSP by FCI is either unfit for consumption or is
simply wasted. One out of every Two kilos acquired is wasted. Years of perfidy have today given birth to this. MSP has ensured that there is no necessity to seek profitable enterprise. It is also given birth to the patronage networks which survive off the sarkari teat and refuse
to breakaway. It has given rise to a political class which thrives and survives of being Specialist Corrupt Thugs. The trucks being under weight and over paid for and the grades changing are common place practise, you can go for a few days to the mandi and figure out how to make
a killing by doing this. All this is paid for by us tax payers. The annual bill for this is approximately 8 lakh crores. Why don’t the farmers grow something else, something more profitable. If I’m being paid for doing precisely nothing. Why bother with competing. Where is
the incentive to compete? I would rather go and picket the roads leading into Delhi to ensure that the existing system is not threatened. Not only this the wheat that rots in the godowns of FCI are being sold at a very low price. It is bought by the breweries to make alcohol
owned by the same politicians who oppose these bills and as you may know the most alcohol consumption is in the state of Punjab. Pay attention to the farmer's movement of Punjab, where the green flag is hoisted while shouting slogans of Pakistan Zindabad; putting pictures of
Khalistani terrorists, anti-national slogans are shouted Indira Gandhi was blown, Modi will also blow. This is how calls are being made (it is all on YouTube.) Wise people understand that farmers will definitely not do such a thing. These powerful commission agents regard their
opposition to the three bills as a fight for survival. Successive state governments in Punjab and Haryana have tried to keep the arhtiyas in good humour, resulting in politically-aligned groups. The agri-marketing bills have now prompted the commission agents to form an umbrella
federation of arhtiyas of Punjab and Haryana to improve their lobbying power & together with anti-national elements who are just waiting for such an opportunity this #FarmersProtestHijacked to a level which is not benefitting the farmers in anyway. Let us be aware of the truth.
compiled from information gathered from news articles and posts on the net.

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இல்லற தர்மத்திலே ஆண் குழந்தைகள் பிறக்க வேண்டும். ஒரு புத்திரன் பிறந்தால் அவன் தன்னுடைய தந்தைக்குச் செய்யும் கைங்கர்யங்களின் மூலம் தந்தைக்கு நல்ல கதியைத் தருகிறான். ஆண் குழந்தையை பெற்ற தந்தைக்கு புத் என்கிற நரகம் கிடைக்காமல் பிள்ளை செய்துவிடுகிறான். இது சாஸ்த்ரத்தில்

உள்ளது. அப்போ பொண்ணப் பெத்தவாளுக்கு?
"தசாநாம் பூர்வேஷாம் தசாநாம் பரேஷாம்
ஆத்ம நச்ச லோத் தாரண த்வாரா
நித்யநிரதிசய ஆனந்த ஸாஸ்வத விஷ்ணுலோக வாப்யர்தம்
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பூர்வேஷாம் என்றால் எனக்கு முன்னால் உள்ள பத்து தலைமுறைகள். தசாநாம் பரேஷாம் என்றால் எனக்குப் பின்னாலே வரக்கூடிய பத்து தலைமுறைகள்.
ஆத்ம நச்ச என்றால் என்னுடன் சேர்த்து 21 தலைமுறைகளான என்னுடைய குலம் உத்தாரணம் பெறுவற்கும் நிலைத்த விஷ்ணு லோகத்தை நான் அடைவதற்கும் இந்த மாபெறும் தானம்

ஆகிய கன்னிகாதானம் உதவி செய்கிறது. ஒரு நல்ல பெண்ணைப் பெற்றெடுத்து அவளைத் தன் குலத்துக்கு இல்லாமல் வேறு குலத்துக்கு திருமணம் செய்வித்து அந்த குலத்தினுடைய சந்ததியை வ்ருத்தி செய்வதற்கு உதவுகின்றார் என்றால் இந்த தானம் எவ்வளவு பெரிய தானம் என்பதைப் புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். ஆண் குழந்தையை

பெற்ற தந்தைக்கு புத் என்கிற நரகம் கிடைக்காமல் பிள்ளை செய்து விடுகிறான். பெண்ணைப் பெற்ற தந்தைக்கு? தனக்கு முன்னால் உள்ள பத்து தலைமுறைகள், பின்னாலே வரக்கூடிய பத்து தலைமுறைகள்,
தன்னுடன் சேர்த்து 21 தலைமுறைகள், நிலைத்த விஷ்ணு லோகத்தை அடைவதற்கு
மாபெறும் தானமாகிய கன்னிகாதானம் உதவி

More from Farmer protest

Do read this thread. 🙏
Since Farmers protest, Troll Army has been hyperactive digging out old and unrelated vidoes/images and linking it to Farmers protest to demean the protesters. Just like they did for CAA/NRC protesters in Dec-Feb.
Here are a few #AltNewsFactCheck

A photo that predates both the farmers' protest and the introduction of agricultural reform ordinances approved in June was falsely shared as Muslim man disguised as Sikh to participate in the agitation. #AltNewsFactCheck

A photo of an elderly woman participating in a farmers' protest in Punjab in October was shared with the false claim that she is 'Shaheen Bagh Dadi' Bilkis Bano who was present in the recent farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck 3/n


An old video of few Sikhs along with Pakistani fans raising pro-Pak, Khalistan chants during cricket World Cup match in UK is viral as farmers' protest. BJP's Priti Gandhi, Punit Agwaral shared this and later took it down. #AltNewsFactCheck 4/n

A photograph shot during anti-CAA protests in Shaheen Bagh in February has been shared with the false claim that it shows 'Hathras Bhabhi' at farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck 5/n

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1/“What would need to be true for you to….X”

Why is this the most powerful question you can ask when attempting to reach an agreement with another human being or organization?

A thread, co-written by @deanmbrody:

2/ First, “X” could be lots of things. Examples: What would need to be true for you to

- “Feel it's in our best interest for me to be CMO"
- “Feel that we’re in a good place as a company”
- “Feel that we’re on the same page”
- “Feel that we both got what we wanted from this deal

3/ Normally, we aren’t that direct. Example from startup/VC land:

Founders leave VC meetings thinking that every VC will invest, but they rarely do.

Worse over, the founders don’t know what they need to do in order to be fundable.

4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

You want to know where you stand, and what it takes to get what you want in a way that also gets them what they want.

It also holds them (mentally) accountable once the thing they need becomes true.

5/ Staying in the context of soliciting investors, the question is “what would need to be true for you to want to invest (or partner with us on this journey, etc)?”

Multiple responses to this question are likely to deliver a positive result.
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I will keep sharing such learning thread 🧵 for you 🙏💞🙏

Keep learning / keep sharing 🙏