We have already gone through the series on importance & characteristics of all the eighteen Purans. We also know that originally there were hundred crore shlokas but were divided by Vyas in each Kalp and was compiled as eighteen Purans

for the common people to understand it properly and now their total is about four lakhs.

In Brahm Puran, Brahma preached this to Marichi. So this Puran of ten thousand shlokas is called Brahm Puran.
In Padma Puran, the base of the story is the appearance of Brahma on a lotus(Padm) from Vishnu' s navel.This has fifty five thousand shlokas.

Vishnu Puran is primarily based in Varah kalp. This book is on Vishnu and this book has twenty three thousand shlokas.
Vaayu Puran is written in Shwet Kalp and has twenty four thousand shlokas. Here Vayudev preaches about Dharma.

In Bhagwat Puran, which is written with the base of Gayatri mantra describes Dharma extensively. It has 18000 shlokas. It also mentions the story of Vritrasur.
In Narad Puran, which has twenty five thousand shlokas, is a sermon on Dharma by Narad based in Brihad Kalp.

Markandeya Puran has nine thousand shlokas and here it is through the birds that Dharma is described.
In Ishaan Kalp, Agnidev preaches to Vashishtha and has sixteen thousand shlokas in Agni Puran.

In Bhavishya Puran, based in Aghor Kalp, Brahma preaches to Manu about the importance of Surya and foresees the future or bhavishya happenings. It has 14500 shlokas.
In BRAHMVAIVART Puran there are eighteen thousand shlokas. Based in Rathantar Kalp, Narad describes the importance of Shrikrishna to Prithvi. It has twenty four thousand shlokas.
Skandapuraan is narrated through Skand and is based in Tatpurush Kalp. This has eighty one thousand shlokas. This describes the Maheshwar Dharma.

In Vamaan Puran Brahma describes the importance of Trivikrampur through Dharma, Arth and Kaam. It has ten thousand shlokas.
In Kurm Puran, Shri Hari in the form of tortoise sermons the Rishi's and Indra on the context of Indradhumn about Dharma, Arth, Kaam & Moksha. This has seventeen thousand shlokas.

In Matsya Puran, in the very beginning, Bhagwan in the form of Matsya/fish encourages the Rishis,
is based in Narsingh Kalp. It has fourteen thousand shlokas.

Garud Puran describes the origin of Universe as told by Vishnu to Garud. Based in Garud Kalp, this book has 18000 shlokas.

In Brahmand Puran Brahma describes the future Kalps. It has twelve thousand shlokas.
Later on the Rishi's and Muni's described these eighteen sub Purans named some of them after them or on the primary character. The matter in these was taken from the original Purans. As per Skand Puran, the Muni's mention that there are five parts of these.
They are Sarg, Prati Sarg, Vansh, Manvantar and Vanshanucharit, where the importance of Brahma, Vishnu, Surya and Rudra is mentioned. It also stresses the importance of Dharma, Arth, Kaam and Moksha.
These Purans have three sections namely Satvik, Raajas and Taamas. In Satvik Puran the importance is of Shri Hari. In Rajas Brahma is given importance and in Taamas Puran the importance of Agnidev and Rudra is mentioned. Wherever all the three bhaavs combine,
there we also find the importance of Sarasvati & Pittra.We find all the Vedas represented in these sub Purans.

The Sub Purans are as follows

Sanat Kumar
Skand Puran also mentions the Agneya Puran dedicated to Agnidev. Like mentioned before these subsections have been derived from original Purans. Like the portion of description of Narsingh from Padma puran becomes Narsingh puran.
Where the importance of Nandi is mentioned, it becomes Nandi Puran. Where Saamb is given importance it becomes Saamb Puran. Where Aditya is mentioned, it becomes Aditya Puran.

So this way we get to know the importance of some in these sub purans.
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चन्द्र-दर्शन का निषेध वर्णन।

उक्त व्रत-पूजन प्रतिवर्ष एक दिन किया जाता है। उसे पाँच वर्ष तक तो करे ही, अधिक करे तो अधिक फल होता है। इस व्रत के फलस्वरूप उपासक को गणेशजी के स्वानन्द लोक की प्राप्ति होती है। यह गणेश व्रत अत्यन्त प्रभावशाली है ।

किन्तु नारदजी ! इस चतुर्थी में रात्रि समय चन्द्रमा का दर्शन न करे। क्योंकि उस दिन चन्द्र-दर्शन से मिथ्या अभियोग लग जाता है तथा अन्य अनिष्टों की भी सम्भावना रहती है। यदि भूल से चन्द्रमा का दर्शन हो जाये तो उसके दोष निवारणार्थ भगवान् गणेश्वर का चिन्तन करे।

निम्न श्लोक का पाठ चन्द्र-दर्शन के दोष निवारण में बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण है

सिंहप्रसेनमधीत् सिंहो जाम्बवता हतः ।

सुकुमारक मा रोदीस्तव ह्येष स्यमन्तकः ॥ हे नारदजी ! अब आश्विन मास की चतुर्थी के व्रत का फल कहता हूँ ।

उस दिन भगवान् कपिर्दीश विनायक का षोड़शोपचार से पूजन करे तो सर्वप्राप्ति कराता है। कार्तिक मास की चतुर्थी करका चतुर्थी या 'करवा चौथ' कहलाती है। यह व्रत प्रायः महिलाएँ करती हैं। उन्हें शुद्ध जल से स्नान कर नवीन वस्त्र धारण करने चाहिए।

तदुपरान्त प्रसन्नचित्त से गणपति का पूजन करे और चौदह थालियों में स्वादिष्ट पकवान ब्राह्मणों को दे हे मुने ! सामर्थ्य के अनुसार ही दान करना चाहिए। कम देने की शक्ति हो तो चौदह स्थानों पर कुछ दे कुछ विद्वान् दस स्थानों पर देने का विधान बताते हैं।

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