A brief tutorial in health education to show you how sound health education models have been used for manipulation instead of creating health awareness during the COVID 19 pandemic. We'll uses masks as an example of a health behavior.
Are you ready to explore? 1/n

The Health Belief Model (HBM) consists of 5 components: perceived threat (lethality + Susceptibility),
perceived benefits,
perceived barriers and
cues to action.

Familiarise yourself with the definition of each concept in this table. 2/n
Study this diagram to understand how the components are interrelated. 3/n
Now let’s apply this to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Review this diagram to see how the HBM applies to the behaviour of mask-wearing.
“perceived susceptibility appeared to be the most significant factor determining compliance” 4/n
Part I: The HBM
Increase the perceived threat of a disease
1) increase perceived severity: Confusing the general public with CFR & IFR- 2 indicators that are an order of magnitude apart.
People understood wrongly that the fatality rate of C19 is 3.4%.
2) Increase perceived susceptibility:
People were told that this virus is 'novel' and we are all immuno-naive to it and thus all susceptible. 6/n
Both of these elements increase the perceived threat. So now the entire population feels threatened by a disease that is in fact only harmful to the very few (mostly the elderly with comorbidities). Fear is rampant at this point. 7/n
3) Increase perceived benefits: make people believe that masks can protect them and protect their loved ones
a) Recommendations by authoritative figures such as WHO ...
and the CDC that listed studies with unsound methodologies on their website to support the benefits of wearing masks, such as the 2 hairdressers study!
b) create public acceptance through expert endorsements like Dr Tedros, Dr Fauci, and Dr Birx.
(I know what you are looking at. Give him a break. His perceived threat is low.) 10/n
a) another benefit is the avoidance of negative events
avoid stares and harassments by others (fitting in)
avoid being reported on. 11/n
avoid fines and being harassed by the police
4) Decrease perceived barriers:
a) increase the accessibility of masks by increasing their supply and promoting cloth masks as an option
b) reduce the sense of embarrassment from wearing maks =>turn them into a fashion statement
for women... you are sexy
for men... you are strong
for teens... you are cool
for kids ... you are cute
4) cues to action:
a) voice reminders in public places & signs in shops and public spaces
b) Using celebrities to promote masks
c) AD campaigns playing on emotions.
(FYI: Big budgets behind AD campaigns...) 18/n
Videos playing on emotions 19/n
And to my utter disappointment, my favourite superheroine also participated in this...
=> the outcome of the analysis of perceived benefit minus the perceived barriers within the context of perceived threat determines the likelihood of engaging in the desired behaviour 21/n
Part II: Why is this a manipulation?
1) The severity was exaggerated
The fatality rate is much lower than initially insinuated by WHO. The median IFR (Infection fatality rate) is 0.23%.
2) The susceptibility was exaggerated

We are not all susceptible to the virus. SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID 19) is closely related to SARS-CoV (2003 epidemic). Many people might have pre-existing immunity that will protect them from this not-so-novel virus. 23/n
NIH reports:
“the evidence that a subset of people has a cross-reactive T cell repertoire through exposure to related coronaviruses is strong.“ 24/n
3) Public health is never coercive. People are given accurate unbiased information about risks & benefits then respected to make their own decisions. In this case, people were given misleading information then mandated to abide by certain behaviours. 25/n
4) The health behaviour in question is not even shown to lead to the claimed benefit

“It would appear that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.” @carlheneghan @CebmOxfo 26/n
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health review:
"wearing facemasks to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is not recommended for individuals in the community without respiratory symptoms who are not in near contact with people who are known to be infected." 27/
from the same review...
“200 000 people would need to wear facemasks to prevent one new infection per week in the current epidemiological situation." 28/n
“we did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility.”-CDC
“At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including C19.”- WHO 30/n
5) Mixed messaging from authoritative bodies such as the WHO & CDC recommending masks for the general public on their social media & websites but then publishing reviews that the public will not dig out saying that there is a lack of evidence to support mask mandates. 31/n

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Fear is being used to subdue you and make you compliant.
How can you untangle yourself from the tentacles of fear?
How can you regain freedom over your life and your mind?

“In the totalitarian regime,...the doubting, inquisitive, and imaginative mind has to be suppressed. The totalitarian slave is only allowed to memorise, to salivate when the bell rings.” 2/n
Source 1:
(Pavlov's dog- classical conditioning experiment)

"human beings, already being quite smart, need to be dumbed down. You won’t disobey an order if you lack the cognitive ability to question it." 3/n
(Source 1)

How do you dumb down humans?
"the common denominator for increasing suggestibility is switching off executive function in the prefrontal cortex – disabling the superego, the conscience, the internal monologue." (Source 1) 4/n

How can you switch off the frontal cortex?
By activating the amygdala: the fear centre. This tiny little red dot, part of the limbic system. 5/n

More from Category c19


RT-PCR corona (test) scam

Symptomatic people are tested for one and only one respiratory virus. This means that other acute respiratory infections are reclassified as


It is tested exquisitely with a hypersensitive non-specific RT-PCR test / Ct >35 (>30 is nonsense, >35 is madness), without considering Ct and clinical context. This means that more acute respiratory infections are reclassified as


The Drosten RT-PCR test is fabricated in a way that each country and laboratory perform it differently at too high Ct and that the high rate of false positives increases massively due to cross-reaction with other (corona) viruses in the "flu


Even asymptomatic, previously called healthy, people are tested (en masse) in this way, although there is no epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission. This means that even healthy people are declared as COVID


Deaths within 28 days after a positive RT-PCR test from whatever cause are designated as deaths WITH COVID. This means that other causes of death are reclassified as
1/: The inventor of the corona PCR-Test @c_drosten is one of the #protagonists of the current crisis. He is known for involving himself in contradictions. In 2014, he gave a legendary #interview to @wiwo (https://t.co/jzTRh5Suhc) that I will address in this ⬇️short thread⬇️.

2/: The interview is significant because @c_drosten made totally sane statements back then that follow the principle of common sense. Considering his involvement in the "genesis of the current pandemic", his assertions appear in an entirely different

3/: In 2014, for instance, washing the hands was sufficient against being infected by coronaviruses. Several years he demands measures that destroy national economies and social life worldwide.

4/: Young @c_drosten also severely criticized the fact that Saudi Arabia used the PCR method to detect potential infections. From his point of view, that specific method could lead to many irrelevant cases. Nowadays, his view shifted his opinion towards 'collective punishment'.

5/: Whereas he demands "testing, testing, testing" nowadays and spreads panic and fear via (social) media, he heavily condemned that behaviour of Saudi media in 2014. On top of that, he expressed his concern that medial panic could increase the number of lab tests significantly.

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