11 Hacks to Get Rich and Stay Rich

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1. Learn Daily

Learning shouldn't stop when you graduate from school.

Learn 1 new thing daily.

Perfect your skills until you are an expert.

Never lose your childlike curiosity to learn.
2. Embrace Failure

Failure and success are not opposites. They are 2 parts of a whole.

Why failure is necessary:

- Value
- Growth
- Resilience
- Experience
- Knowledge

Failure simply is a stepping stone for success.
3. Control Your Emotions

81% of millionaires have made it a habit to control their emotions, thoughts, and words.

Emotions can lead you to make terrible decisions - be it financial, professional, or personal.

Control your emotions before they control you.
4. Build Rich Relationships

The No. 1 success predictor is the quality of your network.

You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with.

To become a winner, you must first surround yourself with winners.
5. Create Multiple Streams of Income

The more income streams you have, the less likely it is that you will lose your wealth.

If 1 income stream fails, the other income streams come to your rescue.

Diversify your income by building a side hustle today.
6. Finish What You Start

80% of millionaires focus on achieving a goal and do not leave their goal incomplete before starting another project.

Failure is not an option.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.
7. Be Persistent

When you set a goal, put your 100% focus on that goal.

Don't quit if you can't see immediate results.

There is a reason why winners always win: They don't quit.

The rich know that those who are persistent create their own luck.
8. Maintain Your Health

76% of millionaires exercise 30+ minutes daily.

The rich exercise and moderate their fast food and alcohol intake.

You cannot enjoy your wealth if you are in bad health.
9. Spend Less Than You Earn

Income does not equal wealth.

As you earn more money, save more money.

You will be tempted to spend more money because you can, but don't allow your mind to trick you.

Control your expenses before they control you.
10. Invest 20% or More of Your Income

Use the power of compound interest to build your wealth.

How to invest:

- Invest automatically
- Invest in index funds
- Avoid higher-risk investments
- Choose low-cost investment options

The best time to invest is today.
11. Use Your Wealth to Make More Wealth

Use your money to work for you.

Invest your wealth into what's proven:

- Bonds
- Stocks
- Real estate
- Business opportunities

"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die" @WarrenBuffett
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