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I was a recipient of KGSP for my Msc from 2013-2016

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) Application made easy

Application period- 1 February 2021- 31 March, 2021

MS- 3yrs (1 year Korean language + 2 years MS)

PhD- 4yrs (1 year Korean language + 3 years PhD)

How to navigate the
https://t.co/6Ne99JDfyv page

1. Type https://t.co/ow51lWVKcQ in your browser and hit the enter button

2. Click on scholarships and select GKS notice as attached in the picture👇

3. Play with the notice dashboard to see various announcements from NIIED.

4. E.g in 2020, the Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees was announced on 11, February as indicated by no 205. You can click to download the application materials to get familiar with what is expected. I attached series of links in this thread to assist too.

Category- All fields


1. Visa fee

2. Airfare: Actual cost (To and fro from your home country to Korea and upon completion to your home country)

3. Resettlement Allowance: KRW 200,000 (Given upon arrival in Korea)

4. Monthly stipend: Graduate (MS/PhD)-KRW 1000,000 (362,610.35 Nigerian Naira) per month ,Research Program including Postdoctoral fellow and visiting Professors - 1,500,000 KRW (542,824.78 Nigerian Naira) per month
New from me:

I’m launching my Forecasting For SEO course next month.

It’s everything I’ve learned, tried and tested about SEO forecasting.

The course: https://t.co/bovuIns9OZ

Following along 👇

Why forecasting?

Last year I launched
https://t.co/I6osuvrGAK to provide reliable forecasts to SEO teams.

It went crazy.

I also noticed an appetite for learning more about forecasting and reached out on Twitter to gauge interest:

The interest encouraged me to make a start...

I’ve also been inspired by what others are doing: @tom_hirst, @dvassallo and @azarchick 👏👏

And their guts to be build so openly in public.

So here goes it...

In the last 2 years I’ve only written 3 blog posts on my site.

- Probabilistic thinking in SEO
- Rethinking technical SEO audits
- How to deliver better SEO strategies.

I only write when I feel like I’ve got something to say.

With forecasting, I’ve got something to say. 💭

There are mixed feelings about forecasting in the SEO industry.

Uncertainty is everywhere. Algorithm updates impacting rankings, economic challenges impacting demand.

It’s difficult. 😩

For those of you who think that we are lucky, let me show you all the schools I have either applied to or sent an email to in different countries as promised in this tweet: https://t.co/GbNs16ivm9.

Please tag all your friends to see.

, especially people in Engineering. Tell them to consider the research area mentioned in the tweet above. It's an untapped area in Electrical Engineering.

Others can also check these schools as they are not limited to only Engineering.

Today, I will start with the USA.

1. Syracuse University
2. Southern Methodist University
3. Baylor School of Engineering and Computer Science
4. University of Alabama
5. North Dakota State University
6. University of Central Florida
7. California Polytechnic State University
8. Villanova University

9. Missouri University of Science and Tech.
10. University of Idaho
11. University of Houston
12. University of Oklahoma, Norman
13. University of Utah
14. University of Kentucky
15. Tandon School of Engineering Polytechnic Institute
16. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

17. Oklahoma State University
18. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
19. University of Tennessee
20. Worchester Polytechnic Institute
21. Univerisity of Illinois
22. University of New Mexico
23. University of Oklahoma
24. Santa Clara University of Engineering
Okay, #MAEdu, let's talk FY22 and the Student Opportunity Act: https://t.co/o1tgppGy4K

First up:

The FIRST year, Governor Baker?

This is the second year of SOA implementation: you're missing one.

So, are we going to do this in six years, or are we just going to kick the can ANOTHER year on kids?

Remember, school funding is builds on prior years.

We never get that missing funding back.

Also: what are the base numbers being used?

Is the Governor dropping enrollment, even though we all know that was an artificial drop?

There's a decent chance that a WHOLE bunch of those kindergartner and preschoolers are going to be back this fall if we manage to get kids into buildings, PLUS we'll have the USUAL enrollment of preK and K!

...and less funding than usual?
We've been falsely told 'schools are safe', 'don't drive community transmission', & teachers don't have a higher risk of infection repeatedly by govt & their advisors- to justify some of the most negligent policies in history. 🧵

data shows *both* primary & secondary school teachers are at double the risk of confirmed infection relative to comparable positivity in the general population. ONS household infection data also clearly show that children are important sources of transmission.

Yet, in the parliamentary select meeting today, witnesses like Jenny Harries repeated the same claims- that have been debunked by the ONS data, and the data released by the @educationgovuk today. How many lives have been lost to these lies? How many more people have long COVID?

has repeatedly pointed out errors & gaps in the ONS reporting of evidence around risk of infection among teachers- and it's taken *months* to get clarity on this. The released data are a result of months of campaigning by her, the @NEU and others.

Rather than being transparent about the risk of transmission in school settings & mitigating this, the govt (& many of its advisors) has engaged in dismissing & denying evidence that's been clear for a while. Evidence from the govt's own surveys. And global evidence.
