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I'm lucky to attain financial freedom before 30.

I credit Fintwit for my learnings.

Here's 10 key concepts every investor must know:

1. $$ needed to retire
2. Researching a business
3. Reading annual reports
4. Reading earnings calls
5. Criteria of a multi bagger

(Read on...)

6. Holding a multi bagger
7. Economic moats
8. When to buy a stock
9. Earnings vs cashflow
10. Traits of quality companies

Here's my 10 favourite threads on these concepts:

1. How much $$ do you need to retire

Before you start, you must know the end game.

To meet your retirement goals...

How much $$ do you need in your portfolio?

10-K Diver does a good job explaining what's a safe withdrawl rate.

Hint: It's NOT

2. Research a business

Your investment returns are a lagging indicator.

Instead, your research skills are the leading predictor of your results.


To be a good investor, you must be a great business researcher.

Start with

3. Reading annual reports

This is the bread and butter of a good business analyst.

You cannot just listen to opinions from others.

You must learn to deep dive a business and make your own judgments.

Start with the 10k.

Ming Zhao explains it
Lifelong learning is a competitive advantage.

But contrary to what you’ve been told, lifelong learners are built, not born.

THREAD: 20 lifelong learning habits you can start developing today.

Stimulate Dynamically

The mind is a muscle - it needs to be stimulated dynamically to continue to grow.

Don’t rely on one “exercise” - develop a menu of options.

Write, read, listen, watch. Solve puzzles, play games. Enjoy it!

Stimulate dynamically, learn dynamically.

Build Learning Circles

The most powerful learning is communal, not individual.

Build learning circles with other intellectually curious minds.

Engage regularly with no set intention or goal.

Community is everything. Embrace it.

Keep Asking Why

“Why?” is the most useful tool in our learning toolkit.

But somewhere along the line, we are told to stop asking why and just accept “facts” as we are told them.

Reject the norm.

If you want to understand the world, take a cue from our kids - keep asking why!

Adopt a Process Orientation

Prioritize process.

Learn for the sake of learning, not always for a specific goal.

When you prioritize process, you become flexible in where you are headed.

Life is a winding, confusing journey - forward progress is all that matters.