This has been making a lot of noise among #Iran’s netizens.

Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahder said in a recent interview that in 2006 Qassem Soleimani gave them $22 million in cash.

This is how the regime spends the Iranian people’s

Why is this important?
The West may further appease Iran’s regime & the mullahs are demanding the U.S. lift sanctions in order to gain access to billions of dollars.

Iran Spends $16 Billion Annually to Support Terrorists and Rogue Regimes
"As long as Iran has money, that means we here have money, too," said Lebanese Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah.

Obama's 2015 Iran nuclear deal provided $150 billion in credit & $1.8 billion in cash for Tehran's mullahs.
Feb. 16, 2020
Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziad al-Nakhaleh

Qassem Soleimani personally supervised the transfer of weapons, missiles & technology into Gaza.
Pro-Iran Lebanese political analyst Anis Al-Naqqash

#Iran armed [Hamas & Islamic Jihad] & provided tech assistance to the Houthis in Yemen
#Iran has spent about $30 billion in Syria since the start of the war in the country in 2011, said a former Iranian lawmaker in rare remarks about Tehran’s spending in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
#Iran’s apologists/lobbyists have long said—“There’s nothing to see here!”

@AliVaez says the $700 million/year that Iran provides for Hezbollah “is truly not that much at all” (!)

Of course, he lives in the US & cares not that 60 million of Iran’s 84 million live in poverty.
But don’t be surprised. Vaez is a protégé of former Iranian regime president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Note: Iran's officials only allow pictures with Iranians who are their utmost loyalists.

See thread below for more on Vaez.
Iran’s network of apologist/lobbyists are busy pushing @JZarif’s talking points that U.S. sanctions on Iran’s regime must be lifted.

They claim sanctions are killing ordinary Iranians.

Yet they will never talk about how money going into Iran fuels terrorism.
As we speak Iran is delaying any purchase of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Why? If they do, it will reveal that U.S. sanctions do not prevent the import of food & medicine.

Then they, nor their apologists/lobbyists, can no longer demand the U.S. to lift sanctions on Iran.

#Iran's regime provided at least $20 billion to $30 billion to the Bashar Assad regime in #Syria.

More from Heshmat Alavi


A year ago today, #Iran’s IRGC deliberately shot down Ukrainian flight #PS752, killing all 176 on board.

Regime officials have lied from day one & just recently blamed it on “U.S. adventurism.”


My take:

Ukrainian forensics chief Alexander Ruvin suggested from evidence obtained that passengers on flight PS752 were out of their seats before two missiles hit the plane outside Tehran, capital of #Iran.


"And [yet] we saw the corpses of the dead lying on the ground, without seats…if the people were fastened, they would fall with their seats, as was the case with passengers of [shot-down] flight MH17 [in Ukraine]," he added.


The plane was downed on the same morning that Iran launched ballistic missiles targeting US forces in Iraq. Asked why didn’t officials clear the skies of passenger planes, one official said it would have revealed Iran’s intention to launch the attack.

The Iranian side immediately bulldozed the site of the downed airplane, obviously to hide important evidence.
Even their UK ambassador @baeidinejad lied about this.


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