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The History of Remote Work

A look back before we zoom too far into the future...🚀

#FutureOfWork #WorkforceFuturist

Thread (1/10)

What % of working adults in the UK will 'work from home exclusively' in July 2021?

About 75% of this group of #superforecasters say more than 10% but less than 20% (the red line in the graph below)


Thread (2/10)

“We tend to overestimate the effect of the technology in the short run and underestimate for the long run”
Roy Amara

Our predictions tend to be made through foggy Zoom goggles and constrained by the Gregorian calendar.

Thread (3/10)

Remote Work Isn’t New

In Britain from the 1600s to the mid-19th century work did not take place in factories but in people’s houses.

Workers made dresses, shoes, and matchboxes in their kitchens or bedrooms.


Some predictions from people in 1921 who were asked

“what will happen in 2021?”

📺 streaming entertainment into our homes
🚗 electricity powers our wheels
📚 books will read to us

I recently bought one of these air quality monitors and got to take it out for some measurements!

I'll share some findings in this thread.

CCing @CO2Guerrillas here, in case they would like to share.

A very quick intro:

This device measures:

-CO2 concentration
-relative humidity
-atmospheric pressure

I spent ~$200 on Amazon. It pairs with your phone and you can watch data come in every minute or so.

A lot of covid transmission is airborne. So, having clean air is a must for reducing transmission.

A great way to see how much clean air you are getting is to measure CO2 concentration.

Too high -> you could use more ventilation -> open some windows!

So, I walked around town and took some measurements.

Outdoor CO2 concentration should be about 400 ppm. I haven't calibrated my device yet, so I measured ~470. Close enough.

<800 is good for indoors. Something like 2000 is very bad.

For a reference: inside my apartment I quickly get ~1000 ppm if I don't have windows open. Maybe ~1500 if things get bad.

If I crack some windows, even just barely, it gets down to ~600 ppm very quickly, and my heater can keep the apartment ~70 F no problem.
I'd like to offer a few words about why Parler's "Russian IP" is nothing of note to me.

First, the IP belongs to ddos-guard, a CDN (Content Delivery Network). First, a CDN is a service gets content to your site visitors faster through methods which aren't important right now. /1

Well, it kind of is, hrm. There are two ways it makes it faster: 1. by putting copies of often-loaded content closer to the end users, and by using a dedicated network to spread out to places closer to your end users. There's a problem: right now DDOS-guard isn't doing that.

Right now, when you look up, the return is a single IP address in Russia. That IP is not in Russia, it's in Belize.

DDoS-guard offers a service where you locate your own address allocation on their network, but this isn't what Parler is doing (yet, and I suspect they never will).

Basically, all we know is that Parler has not committed to using ddos-guard yet, in the sense that they...

aren't using it for anything that would be useful from a technical point of view (with the possible exception of some network filtering). I say that because CDNs really shine when you have a page that makes a lot of calls back to the origin server, but right now...
Well, we’re between coup attempts and attempts to throw out a seditionist president, so I’m going to take the opportunity to describe this research that was recently accepted in @SERestoration for the grassland ecology SF.

Led by @Blackburn_RC and in collaboration with @barberecology and others not on the Twitters, this work was from Ryan’s MSc research @NIULive. I say research and not thesis, dear reader, bc it didn’t make it into his thesis.

Truth be told, this was an epic battle of computer vs researcher and many times, it felt like computer won. I encourage students in my lab pick a risky part and less risky part of their research. Drone imagery was Ryan’s risky part.

As sometimes happens w the risky part, this one didn't go in the thesis, but Ryan persevered to get it published nonetheless.

More times than not, in fact, it felt like the drone work went like this:
"Top freelance sites for graphics designers and how they work"

A Thread.

Finding a freelance website can be a daunting task for graphic designers. With so many websites touting top talent and an endless well of gigs, how do you know where to start?

Designers, join a marketplace with quality projects that match your unbeatable freelancing talent. Here are a list of the top freelance sites for graphic designers:

1: Toptal: hires only the top 3 percent of freelancers who apply. Their curated, vetted platform is an option for large and small businesses who want to take the guesswork out of hiring expert web developers and designers.

Applicants undergo an unparalleled screening process to ensure their customer service and project management skills are up to Toptal’s standards—helping to ensure a seamless process.
They sure will. Here's a quick analysis of how, from my perspective as someone who studies societal impacts of natural language technology:

First, some guesses about system components, based on current tech: it will include a very large language model (akin to GPT-3) trained on huge amounts of web text, including Reddit and the like.

It will also likely be trained on sample input/output pairs, where they asked crowdworkers to create the bulleted summaries for news articles.

The system will be some sort of encoder-decoder that "reads" the news article and then uses its resulting internal state to output bullet points. Likely no controls to make sure the bullet points are each grounded in specific statements in the article.

(This is sometimes called "abstractive" summarization, as opposed to "extractive", which has to use substrings of the article. Maybe they're doing the latter, but based on what the research world is all excited about right now, I'm guessing the former.)
Feels like a good time to share my path from random person on the internet to @Coinbase to @1confirmation

Nothing special just curiosity and hustle which everyone has, it just needs to be unlocked

Coinbase is now a giant that's easy to hate on but started as an underdog just like every other startup. @brian_armstrong launched it by himself in June 2012

I got curious after reading his Hacker News post ( and became one of the first users

Months earlier a @fredwilson post ( about BTC intrigued me and I made my first purchase by taking out cash from an ATM then going to a CVS to Moneygram it to Mt. Gox

Buying on was a huge improvement from that initial experience

Bitcoin wasn’t in high demand then so Brian sent "bitcents" to users 😂

Down the rabbit hole I went

July 2013: Cold emails ftw (this was one of many)
I have 4 email addresses on my Gmail Business account with 2 different domains, like this:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

But I'm only paying for 1 account, 6$/month.

I'll show you how you can set this up, too, in 12 steps. 👇🏼

1. Go to and authenticate your paid account. Google always first shows me my private account to authenticate. If it does that to you, too, that's the wrong account. You really need to switch to the business account and authenticate/log in there.

2. On the admin panel click "Domains".

3. On the next page click "Manage Domains". Now you'll see 2 options to choose from: "Add a domain" and "Add a domain alias".

4. Add a domain, if you have a different set of users per domain. For example Ann is working for business A, Leo for business B. Ann would get the email address [email protected], Leo would get [email protected]. In this case you'd pay for each user added to each domain.

Google takes different per user prices depending on the plan you select. If you're on the Starter plan and pay 6$/user/month, you'd have to pay 6$/month for Leo for adding him to the business B domain. In total, you'd pay 18$/m in total for you, Ann and Leo for 3 email addresses.