Authors Kintsugi

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While lack of consent due to power imabalance is a common reason for opposing bestiality, it often comes from a place not grounded in either consistency and/or observable evidence.

I'll provide a response to @nilbold's concerns in hopes of a fruitful exchange of information.

RAINN has a rather serviceable model for sexual consent for humans:

And Planned Parenthood has a more comprehensive one:

What's interesting is that both models fit and can be successfully applied to...

nonhuman animals regardless of if their prospective partners are of the same species or not.

Now we need to explore power imbalance in human sexual relationships to understand what degrees of power imbalance are tolerated or not, and why.

We must also note that "Power Imbalance" does not inherently mean bad things. There are Negative or Harmful Power Imbalances (like when the powerful have complete control over vital resources and the powerless are aware of this) and there are Positive or Growth Power Imbalances

(Like when one is an expert martial artist and teaches their SO how to defend themselves).

Power exists in all relationships. Having power means to have a sense of control, to have choices and the ability to influence our environment and others.