Everything creators and bloggers need to know about SEO to drive massive traffic from Google.

With 100% free & useful videos showing each step.

A thread 👇

1) Align your topic with the exact keyword your audience is searching.

You can write about whatever you want... But if you don't use your audience's language patterns... They'll never find you!

High search volume and low difficulty phrases are the goal.

2) Double-check the intent behind the keyword.

You found your keyword, but you need to check and see if Google & your audience think that phrase means what YOU think it means.

Do a quick Google search of the phrase. Do the results match your topic idea?

3) Write your Title/Description at this point.

You've got Google open from the intent research, browse the titles ranking... Are they listicles? "How to" articles?

Your title is the promise of your post. Make it bigger, bolder and more compelling than what you see on pg1!
4-A) Outline the post based on the additional topics/questions/suggestions Google is showing you.

This outline will help you in 2 ways....

A) You will write MUCH faster

B) Your end product will be SEO optimized.

4-B) The above video is for personal brands, B2B, local businesses, content marketers, SAAS, etc.

If you are an affiliate marketer writing review posts, your outlining process is a little different...

Affiliates should follow this video instead...

5) "But Miles... How long should my blog post be?"

I got you fam

6) From this point your writing process is going to be extremely structured.

Example: Your outline shows you have 6 main questions/subtopics

Your research shows you need 1800 words...

A few hundred words for each section and you're there!
7) Publish & Repeat!

Follow the process & publish multiple posts per week. Your efforts (and traffic) will compound!

There are some nuances & sub-steps I left out due to the limitations on Twitter...

This final vid is a full 'recap' w/additional detail

If you like these kinds of threads (which I now know are a total pain to put together, lol) lemme know w/a comment...


Give it a like, share and retweet.

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