Don't bet on Mitch McConnell retiring soon. It took him 40 years to reach sexual maturity and it's estimated that he could live for up to 200 years. His constant growth necessitates shedding his scutes, which are made of keratin, every few months.

Mitch McConnell is ectothermic, so he is unable to regulate his own body temperature, meaning he enters a state of brumation during the fall and winter months. This is why he adjourns the senate during the holidays.
Mitch McConnell uses the roof of his mouth to smell, specifically is vomeronasal organ, so when he's standing around with his mouth open in the Senate chambers he is in fact "tasting" his fellow Senators.
While Mitch McConnell has a strong, sharp beak capable of 300 pounds of pressure per square inch, he has no teeth. That means he can effectively rend flesh, but is rendered helpless by a mouth full of popcorn!
Like most testudines, Mitch McConnell has not evolved a strong sense of hearing and can only detect sounds over 60 decibels. He has also never been observed registering whispers, distant speech, or the needs of constituents.
Testudines are thought to have low intelligence, but Mitch McConnell has been observed navigating simple mazes, which puts him at the higher end of the functional spectrum for reptiles.
Mitch McConnell can lay anywhere between 20 to 200 eggs at a time. He digs a hole in soil or sand and deposits his clutch of leathery eggs in a gelatinous, protective goo. The high number is to account for the eggs that will be consumed by predators like Ted Cruz.
During the summer, Mitch McConnell will use his tough nails to dig burrows to hide from the scotching heat of the sun or from the Senate ethics committee.
Though Mitch McConnell is considered quite advanced for a reptile, he has failed the mirror test, so it is not clear whether he is self-aware. It is also worth noting that no reptile has to this point exhibited the capacity for empathy.
Mitch McConnell has security with him at all times to prevent Ted Cruz from rolling him over and feasting on the soft flesh of his underbelly.
Mitch McConnell is elusive as he spends up to 95% of his life underground and less than 1% in his home state.
A young Mitch McConnell in his wilder days.

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A long thread on how an obsessive & violent antisemite & Holocaust denier has been embraced by the international “community of the good.”

Sarah Wilkinson has a history of Holocaust denial & anti-Jewish hatred dating back (in documented examples) to around 2015.

She is a self-proclaimed British activist for “Palestinian rights” but is more accurately a far Left neo-Nazi. Her son shares the same characteristics of violence, racism & Holocaust denial.

I first documented Sarah Wilkinson’s Holocaust denial back in July 2016. I believe I was the 1st person to do so.

Since then she has produced a long trail of written hate and abuse. See here for a good summary.

Wilkinson has recently been publicly celebrated by @XRebellionUK over her latest violent action against a Jewish owned business. Despite many people calling XR’s attention to her history, XR have chosen to remain in alliance with this neo-Nazi.

Former Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP is among those who also chose to stand with Wilkinson via a tweet.

But McDonnell is not alone.

Neo-Nazi Sarah Wilkinson is supported and encouraged by thousands of those on the Left who consider themselves “anti-racists”.

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