Extremely triggered by these well wishers advising Muslim women to not post pictures online, take care to hide addresses etc. what if somebody clicks u while walking on the road? What makes u think you can hide your address? Why can’t somebody click photos of you while you are +

Addressing a gathering? You can be clicked while speaking at a conference? While shopping at your local grocery shop? Should v then stop pursuing our careers? Stop shopping? Stop going out? Erase ourselves from public ? Erase our existence and our voices ?
I was shocked to c all the photos of me when I came out of jail. Especially the ones I had not posted anywhere on social media! Some photos were cropped from my interview videos. Hina Bashir Beg who I met in Tihar told me that she was shocked to c photos of herself splashed all +
Over news & social media. She is a pardanasheen. Never posted pictures of her online. The photo that was splashed all over was from her passport! One photo is all it takes. And these are just some of the cases. The list is endless. We know that these cyber attacks are state
Sponsored. What makes you think that it is difficult for the State to get all your information? And erasing yourself from social media is the solution?
Shifting the blame on women and literally saying that u r responsible for the violence against u makes u complicit in that +
It also shows that u wudnt hesitate to do this to other women because u normalise things like these done to women who have posted their pics online. Let it be clear, we do not want your concern. We do not need to be schooled. We want u to stand against such acts only because +
They are vicious, dangerous, shameful and need to be punished. Not because the honor of a community I.e Muslims is hurt. Not because your izzat is in jeopardy. We are angry because we are being violated, dehumanised, abused & objectified because of our religion & gender. +
If u r really concerned, stand with us. Do not try to shift the blame on us. It emboldens those who commit such crimes against us. Instead of criminalising our actions, rage against the criminals who r violating our bodies & spaces, unequivocally & unconditionally. Or sit down.

More from Society

global health policy in 2020 has centered around NPI's (non-pharmaceutical interventions) like distancing, masks, school closures

these have been sold as a way to stop infection as though this were science.

this was never true and that fact was known and knowable.

let's look.

above is the plot of social restriction and NPI vs total death per million. there is 0 R2. this means that the variables play no role in explaining one another.

we can see this same relationship between NPI and all cause deaths.

this is devastating to the case for NPI.

clearly, correlation is not proof of causality, but a total lack of correlation IS proof that there was no material causality.

barring massive and implausible coincidence, it's essentially impossible to cause something and not correlate to it, especially 51 times.

this would seem to pose some very serious questions for those claiming that lockdowns work, those basing policy upon them, and those claiming this is the side of science.

there is no science here nor any data. this is the febrile imaginings of discredited modelers.

this has been clear and obvious from all over the world since the beginning and had been proven so clearly by may that it's hard to imagine anyone who is actually conversant with the data still believing in these responses.

everyone got the same R

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